Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breaking News: Only money makes News Newsworthy.

To be newsworthy you got have money. money will make any news newsworthy.  Then there is the one-sided reporting, which is basically thru the influence of lobbying, and to lobby you got have money, big money.

then there is the fear mongering news, as fear attracts large TV audiences, hence the kidnapping of a child, or the disappearance of a woman, or some mentally ill child sex offender getting out of jail will be big news, because it draws the crowds, it appeals to their fears. Big audience means big ratings, which obviously mean money. its not that the News organization cares about the missing child or kidnapped woman, it’s simply juicy stories to activate audience fears hence translate that into high ratings and high money.

Getting you hooked to TV is the first and foremost purpose of News.  TV entertainment is totally driven for that purpose only, to jack up the ratings.

2004 South Asian Tsunami, or recent Tsunami in Japan, or the 9/11 events, or the recent super bowl game are happy meals for TV organizations, as their audiences increase, ratings goes up, hence more profit. TV ads during Super Bowl games can go up to millions easily. I wonder what was the TV ad prices during the initial hours when Tsunami stuck recently in Japan. It must have been a god-send boost to their revenues.

In this money making game of news business, what is really newsworthy is very hard see, it’s all about money, isn’t it. The newsworthiness boils down to money, not the real human story.

Today CNN news can be seen from any country in the world. With such power to influence, educate, inform, why can’t it educate humans about the world crises and potential solutions.

Yes, first speak about the real human problems, then, discuss the real solutions.  One billion humans starving is a real human problem, but never seen or heard on TV.   Equal Money System is THE solution, I guess you will never hear that on TV either. What Lady Gaga doing in Hollywood tonight? Ample of that.

News is not what is best for ALL, it serves only its capitalistic masters. 

Join desteni. Lets make breaking news, Equal Money System is the solution. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

72 years old and forced to work. We need Equal Money System.

With the way things are going, there is no assurance what will happen to our old people. specially when they don't have big savings or assets like houses and lands to live by. Many put their funds in some kind of a retirement growth or savings plan, hoping it will grow and grow into millions when they retire. What happens when such growth funds disappear or their stock value crashes.

Most old people don't have the assurance and assistance to live a dignified life. They rely upon their sons and daughters to take care of them in their old age. In such scenario the old persons have to depend on their luck.

What we need is a state run system to care and support old people unconditionally. With their basic needs, healthcare, transportation, medicine, and whatever they need. A system must provide, meaning they dont' have depend on anyone's kindness or emotion. Old people today hoping at best their stocks will do good, otherwise either they have to work in their old ages or just live a miserable old life and then die.

yesterday i spoke to a man who is 72 years old, and he is working 24 hours a week to assist him with some extra cash. at 72 having to work for money for survival is not something i will look forward to. The man didnt' have a choice, he is basically forced to work for survival, even at 72. that is sad.

Capitalism don't care for the human being either when they young or old. It cares about making a profit at any cost. So, lets create a new system, the Equal Money System. It is in our hands to design and implement such system.

Join desteni, investigate the  equal money system. lets change this world for the young and old, so it is BEST for ALL.  

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Holy Cross Catholic Church, Thank You, now lets bring Equal Quality of Life to All.

Back in 1989 when I arrived in Canada all by myself, I found myself in a rather difficult situation. I came to Canada as an International student to study in University of Victoria in BC Canada. War was in high swing at that time in Sri Lanka, like most Sri Lankan Tamils, I wanted to get the fuck out of Sri Lanka alive. I was lucky to get admitted to study in Canada, I was fortunate enough that my parents paid my ticket to Canada and gave me enough money for first year to survive. There was no way of earth my parents could have support me though 4-5 years of University education as an international student (who pays 3-4 times higher than the local student) in Canada.

I met the campus Catholic chaplain and discussed my situation, here i was very alone, new to the country, just 20 years of age, with a bleak financial prospect, and my chances of continuing with my education looked increasingly bleak. The chaplain, late Rev. Father Leo Robert was a kind man, he understood my situation and moreover he understood that I cannot return to my native country, Sri Lanka. A slight possibility of deportation from Canada existed as well due to lack of funds for the 2nd year of school. Things looked very bad for me.

He arranged with his church, which i later became a member of, to assist and support me financially through my University by providing me with a bursary. A heavy burden was taken out of my head, my life changed completely, I could now focus on education and not about money or place to live etc.

The good people at the Holy Cross Catholic Church in Victoria BC full-filled Fr. Leo's request and supported me financially.   They bailed me out of a seriously difficult personal life situation.

Some 21 years later, I am living a good life as a Canadian Citizen, things indeed good for me.

But today, I write this note about a situation that is much more darker and serious. And I am writing this to request their support one more time. This time, I personally request the Church and their members to really investigate the situation and make personal contributions.

Now I am with a group called desteni, a group that is dedicated to bring Equal Quality of Life for All humans. This will be done via a series of life supporting systems called: Equal Money System, Equal Labor System, Equal Housing System, Equal Education System, Equal Healthcare system etc. It is a serious undertaking and it will be done. However, at this stage, the desteni group is at "Research Phase", meaning, handful of dedicated beings on a full time basis do research on things that matters to life. Above all, they support us robotic humans to become real humans, which is essential for a world to change.

In supporting me, essentially the Holy Cross Church supported 1 human being, though i am grateful, but that support did not reach the whole world, it did not touch all 6-7 billion of us. Whereas by supporting the desteni group in their research efforts, your contributions will bring about a change for the whole world. It will touch the lives of 6-7 billion humans, in fact everyone of them. A world will be changed.

In the next 20-25 years, desteni solutions to world problems will be presented via a political forum, via a political entity. We will be elected and above mentioned life supporting systems will be implemented in ever country. Humans will at last live without the burden of fear and anxiety. Just like how the good people of Holy cross catholic church bailed me out of anxiety and worry, Equal Money System will bail out every human being.

For this, desteni group must be supported and assisted. Of course the best support is to join them, and be them.

So this is a very kind request to all Holy Cross Church members, friends, my brothers, my family and to all so-called strangers to support desteni group. Desteni Research must continue, Equal Money System must be implemented. This world must be changed so that it is BEST for All.

Thank you.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sex Sells: Model in half-bikini sells ice to Eskimos.

Bollywood movie industry is one of the biggest money makers in India. What exactly do they sell? Entertainment of course. But it so happened, this entertainment is mostly filled with beautiful women and hunks. Even back in the dark ages of 60s and 70s, Indian movies were filled with beautiful women and handsome men. If the movies are about storytelling and acting, why only pretty ones make it?

Nowadays in India, movies are filled with pretty and sensual women. Its arousing just to look at them in various dancing positions and ultra super sexy dresses. Sex of course is still not on your face, its not porn yet, but the implied message of sexuality and sensuality is on your face. You can get easily turned on by Hindi movies these days without any implied scenes of penetration.

It is sex that is being sold on the silver screen. And of course Hollywood is no different, and the TV commercials are filled with sexually implied messages.

So when a Bollywood or Hollywood princess does a TV commercial for any product, its an instant seller. People love their screen heroines and their promotions. Who wins? big companies of course.

So selling is achieved through sex. Thats the bottom line.

In India handsome actors in their late years sometimes enter politics and few have hit chief minister level victories. In the state of Tamil Nadu in India, one famous good looking hunky actor was premier for 3 times or so, he was so famous, people would just vote for him no matter what. Through his sexy looks and charm he got elected to the highest office in the state. (Google M. G. Ramachandran Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for more info.) When he died, his silver screen lover took over the high office, then she ruled the state for 3 terms or so. People were so captivated by this silver screen couple, they just voted them in.

Sex don't just sell, it gets you elected to the high office. Sex is profitable and indeed electable.

A super model in a half bikini can sell ice to Eskimos. Such is the power of sex and sexually implied mental conditioning. Who is the ultimate winner in all this ? The large companies who get their products sold no matter what. And us fucking retard human race will buy anything promoted with sexually charged energy.

This is mind control, like most everything else in our lives in this world, we are mind controlled robots serving the masters of capitalism. Sell baby sell, buy baby buy is the sole purpose of our lives here. End this madness.

Join desteni, join the desteni-i-process to birth yourself as a real human being. And yes now you can goto a Bollywood Hindi movie and actually enjoy it without getting all preprogrammed for your next purchase.

Be a real human being.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stephen Hawking and His Fairy Tales.

Stephen Hawking, the famed physicist and author asserted last week that there is no afterlife and the so-called ‘heaven is a fairytale’. Bang!!!, a declaration of war could result depending on who gets offended by his assertion.  

But Is he correct or incorrect?

For the religious Muslims or Christians, it can be deeply offending as it shakes their very core belief system. When the core belief systems are shaken people can get very emotional and upset. On the other hand, for a non-believing atheist, Hawking’s comment could revalidate atheism as the ‘right way’. After all a famous author is saying that ‘heaven is fairy tale’, it can be a matter of great laugh for the atheist, finally a dose of approval for atheism from a great mind.

Using Hawing’s comment to validate one’s religious or atheist belief systems is utter non-sense. Who wins in this debate matters not, because either winner speaks from a starting point of an accepted and allowed nonsensical belief system.

As a destonian, it matters not to me if the so-called heaven is a fairy tale or not, what matters to me is the condition on this earth. Is heaven on earth a real tale or not, matters to me absolutely.  For me, a practical livable heaven on earth is not a fairy tale, where everyone has access to equal quality of life facilitated by the equal money system, equal labor system, equal housing system, and equal education system etc.

Focus on what matters practically. Earth matters, humans matter, animals matter, nature matters, taking self responsibility to bring about a practical heaven on earth matters absolutely.  

For the record, yes, heaven up there in the clouds, is an escape fairly tale for those who abdicate self-responsibility to care about what is HERE. Equally, Stephen Hawing too went on his own escape to abdicate self-responsibility for what is HERE.

Will Stephen Hawking be a vote for Equal Money System?

I urge you Dr. Stephen Hawking, investigate, study what Equal Money System is all about, don’t’ let your life be just a fairy tale.

Briefly I suppose time will tell as it does for all inevitably.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Can you trust your car salesman with your Life?

I felt sad coming from the local car dealership today, whereas I should have been happy to have purchased a car for myself. I felt sad for number of reasons. first, the art of sales itself, one has to sell to survive, the salesman for an whole 2 hours or so, was talking the talk of selling. the man must have been exhausted in trying to convince me that i should make a deal. this is his way of making a living, selling.

But the tricky part about selling is some truths are not totally disclosed hence bit of secrecy is used in his sales tricks. I didn't like that. I was told 5-years bumper-to-bumper warranty as part of the negotiated price, come signing time, he modified the story with the word "basic warranty", so now i was locked into buy the so-called "extended warranty", just adding another 30$ for the monthly payments. well, it is how they make their money by selling the extra services for the product.

One car salesman did the first part of the talking until I agree to purchase, then came the real salesman who wants to me buy one service item after another, he was there to go for the kill. As i was showing signs of no interest in buying all those extra stuff, he was getting annoyed and rather aggressive too. kind of a bully who just want to sell you something, and you better buy or else. Such is our economic reality, selling that extra bit of service is what helps him make a living. he is a slave too trying survive in this hash economic reality. I am sure if these salesmen don't make the expected quota of monthly sales, they will heading home with a pink slip. there is no mercy for the fainthearted, either you go for the killing sale or you just don't play the game of buying and selling.

So I felt sad, how cunning, deceptive, trickery and manipulative, cheating, bullying one must become in this economic reality just to survive. And certainly there is no trust, as I walked after after the signing up the deal, i lost even the little trust i had in car salesmen. Isn't that sad, this economic reality breeds mistrust and fear.

Yet I am not all that sad, because  there is a solution to all this economic misery. Equal Money System, Equal labor System and all the other life supporting systems that will be presented by the Equal life Party gives me the real happiness. The era of buying and selling will end, era of profit making will end, a new era of trust will be born here.

A practical heaven on earth will be here. You will be able trust even your car salesman with your life. Now that is a reason for happiness.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 21 2011: World has not Ended, but the Bible has Ended itself. It lied.

So I am still here days past 21 of May 2011, the magical day according to many Christians. The world is still here, nothing has happened and I am still here. So there is an important lessons in this, it is not the world that has ended, but the Christian believe system which has pushed its own 'end' button. Along with it, the bible is now the new National Enquirer.

Given the trustworthiness and reliability many Christians have in their Bible, 21-May 2011 is a very disappointing day, moreover, this day has shattered the faith and trust they had in the bible. The bible is no more the most trustworthy book, it has lies.

So May 21 2011 is the day that ended the dominion of the bible, this day effectively brought an end to the bible. the bible is no more. Going forward how can we ever trust the bible again? A serious led down by the bible, I was hoping on May 21 2011 that bible would show its power of God's holy words. But nothing of that sort happened, leading me to totally disregard the bible.

The world has not ended, but the bible has ended itself. It has lied, big time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Believe in Santa Claus.

Yes I believe in Santa Claus, He is real. I have total faith and trust in Him. I believe in Him. I believe He will save me, I believe He is my savior. He is the way, the truth, the light and the life. He speaks to me, I hear His voice. He protects me from the evils ones, He safeguards me, He is my good shepherd. Yes His blood will purify me. Chanting His holy name will uplift my soul. "Come I give you rest" says my beloved Santa, the One and the most High. My purpose is to glorify His name and Exalt Him day and night. "His will be done on earth as it is in heaven". I will die in His holy name, oh my divine Son of God, who is the sacrificial lamb who came to die for our sins, and save us from evil. Oh Santa Claus, Oh praise the Lord, You're my Lord, Almighty.  

This is my Believe, This is my Religion. This is my Faith. And you cannot dispute my Faith.

I will not dispute your Faith, certainly I cannot dispute your Faith. I am sure your Faith is indisputable.

I respect your Religion and your Faith. Please respect mine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

is IMF raping Greece?

Crises in Greece. Wonder who is responsible for the mess over there? Nearly 30% of the public sector will be fired very soon as part of restructuring of Greece’s financial situation. Does anyone cares about those 30% public sector workers and their families, children etc, what sort financial consequences those people will face, does anyone worry about that?

Well, its re-profiling of Greece as IMF puts it. You got to make a profit to be worthy of existence. Be a person or a country, if you’re not profitable you’re gone. You will be chopped and reprofiled to be profitable.

God the entire world is a becoming a profit making machine. Every part is a potentially profit making entity. Greece is no different, the big bankers the IMF, and their friends at the EU will decide the fate of Greece.

And who will suffer, of course the normal average Joes of Greece. That goes without saying.

A nation’s fate at the hands of a bank. Isn’t that fascinating. To come out the debt crises and borrow more money to survive Greece will be subjected to rules and regulations of IMF and other lenders.

As humanity we are slowly but surely surrendering to the big banks. They are taking over. Humanity will become profit making slaves of the big banks. What’s unfolding in Greece is really tragic. The banks have to power to make or break an entire nation.

Such is the power of capitalism. It’s time for a new system.

Investigate Equal Money System, where there will be no need for bailouts, because every human will be supported with an unconditional living allowance from birth to death. Equal Labor system will equalize the wages for all labor.

Investigate, study what Equal money system is. For sure, you’re don’t’ IMF to decide your fate, banks can never be humanity’s friend. They just want to make a profit out of us all.

Equal Money is here to support us all.


US response to Libya and Bahrain: Why is the difference?

Why there is a marked difference between US response to unrests in Libya and Bahrain?

If you simply go by the personalities of the respective dictators in those countries, yes madman Gaddafi seems like the guy we all love to kick out. But wait a minute, Bahrain has a 300 years old royal family rule whose brutality we now see out in the streets of Bahrain. Shouldn’t Bahrain’s royal dictators be removed just as Gaddafi for the royal crimes against their own citizens? After all Bahrain citizens are only demanding DEMOCRACY, a voice for the people, a rule by the people for the people, a people’s constitution that servers the citizens. Bahrainians are demanding DEMOCRACY, not continuation of the ROYAL RULE.
Ironically enough, democracy is the heart and soul of USA. For decades US foreign policy was directed by the sole principle of promoting democracy elsewhere, believing that democracy is always better than any other forms of governance. Yes time and again we can agree democracy is the way. Yes USA, you’re correct, democracy is the way.

Then why on earth is USA not encouraging the rule of democracy in Bahrain? Instead we see a subtle approval/protection is been bestowed upon the 300 years old royal rule.

Granted Bahrain’s royal family is no madman Gaddafi, but that doesn’t mean approval or protecting the royal family’s iron fist at the cost of suppressing the local voice for democracy. The USA must unconditionally demand the voice of the people be heard, very loud and clear.

People of Bahrain want democracy and they want it NOW.

USA is the mother of all democracies, she must care, promote and protect the very principle of democracy. At least so we believe.

But the US response to Libya and Bahrain is clearly a total hypocrisy.  It is the not the personality of Gaddafi or Bahrain’s royal members that matter here. What matters is the promotion of democracy specially at its infancy, as we see in recent revolutions in the Arab world, and Bahrain in particular.

US must speak loud and clear now for democracy. Or will it give-in to the mouthwatering seductive taste of Oil.

I guess money makers, dictators, royal families, capitalists, are all just one happy family of crazy demons. Its rarely about principles, isn’t it?

The US response to Libya and Bahrain are not about principles, obviously, it’s all about money (for the rich and the super rich).

Therefore, Equal Money System, Equal Life Party, Equal Labor System, Equality for All, World Equality, is the real solution for our world problems, because they support life, all life, unconditionally, yes even the rich will be supported.

Investigate, if you dare to care.     

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hail, The Lessons from an Onion.

- Dr. Balbir Singh Rawat, A. R. S

Yesterday I bought a quarter kilo of onions for Rs 15/- and put them in the basket. This morning I picked up one medium size bulb without any skin, washed it and as soon as the knife cut open the first thick layer, it started speaking: "The basket was telling me you used to always fill it with five kilo lots of and now only a quarter. I can understand. Heavy price rise, fixed income. Oh yes, which place is it?". I told, "it is Deradun." They layer continued, "You people do not grow onions here? That is why having bought me for Rs. 8/- a kilo in Gujarat, put me in cold store for 4-5 months, the traders have brought me so far away. Thanks to this phenomenal price rise, I too would, otherwise have rotten there in the cold and dark halls like my parents and uncles."

When the first thin layer was cut open, it said, "You must be understanding simple arithmetic. Having bought us for eight rupees a kilo from the growers, and having put us in cold stores for four months the traders have made sixty, it is 750%. It comes up to a 2,250% in one year. Deducting expenses, net profit is 2,000%. These fellows and those who earn only 20-25% per year, pay income taxes at the same rate. It is not justified at all."

The second thick layer explained: "You have huge departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry etc. There are ministers with doctorates from Harvard, Cambridge, an army of administrators, directors and many more ...ters. They are all selected so very carefully from amongst the best university graduates, they are trained at Hi-Fi training institutes. There are very well endowed Agriculture Universities churning out hundreds of Agri, Horti, Vety graduates every year. What is the output of their combined efforts? A paltry 2-3% growth rate of Agriculture sector. This is perhaps less than the total annual expenses of all the above organisations. No wonder the supplies of food articles never reach the outer fringes of their demand. They always blame the weather, some times heavy rains other times drought. Even when stored food grains rot in godwans due to human  inefficiency, it is weather that is blamed."

Knife went deeper to second thin layer. She counselled: "Make arrangements for timely forecast of expected yields, demand storage capacities and facilities, of imports or exports, international price behavior, conservation and preservation quantities, and sustained regular supplies to different consumer centres of the country at such prices that rise at rates lesser than incomes."

The third thick layer smiled and said: "My tow elder sisters are naive. They do not know that the root cause of the problem is 'itch', yes ITCH. Ministers, bureaucrats, and traders are scratching each others backs. They monopolise the nation's social, economic and moral systems. The election of the first, the selection of the second, and the permission to the thrid cannot break this monopoly."

The third thin layer added, "Our country has laws against any monopoly. This can be done if we make it compulsory for all these three-some to undergo a rigorous training in democratic management of the social, economical and ethical value systems of the country as obligatory organs of their activities, in a manner that are complimentary and supplementary to one another and not antagonistic as they have been behaving so far. Can any party, person or group do it?"

The fourth thick layer, when opened, shouted angrily "Why are you disturbing my nap? Go and bare the layers of those who are responsible for this painful state of affairs. Make them see reason, scold them, threaten them, if necessary throw them out in ensuing elections. But, do you hear me? BUT, for achieving this, more importance needs to be given to producers and consumers rather than to traders. The first two pillars of a proper market system have to hands together protect their interests. I wonder if it can be done in a country where the mind-set is to 'plow one's own lonely furrow'. May be the present agony of extreme exploitation of both may compel them to join hands."

The fourth thin layer agreed and gave way towards the fifth thick layer. It looked at me and shot a question: "Who are you? You don't look like an ordinary citizen. Are you a journalist, a writer, a surveyor, a social worker or an intellectual?". I said that I am bit of every one of these. I have actually come to learn from you to seek your guidance." The layer said, "What ever food items you need, grow them in your areas. Why do you go thousands of kilometers away or even across the seven seas? Onion dry flakes are made and sold in Gujarat for decades. Many more vegetables can be dehydrated and used during lean periods of supply. It is much cheaper to store and transport them."

The fifth thin layer supported and added, "I hear a name Nafed. Why don't' you make this or that Fed in each district to take care of supplies of food materials and manage the chain scientifically in their respective areas?"

It was a relief that the bulb was small. The Chief at the centre was exposed. It said, "My green leaf antennas have already informed me that the country is bogged up with many big big scandals and those in power are busy burying the stench. Why are you getting involved in all these dreamy lessons? Go and prepare yourself to buy onions at Rs. 200-250 a kilo next year. That's what it is going to be."

I was taken aback and speechless. This grand fellow is putting layers on me. I got busy with further chopping and the media printed the lessons from this small onion for everyone to ruminate.

Dehradun, India.
March, 2011.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Am i breathing this morning?

i am here, asking myself the question, am i breathing this morning? the question seems to stop the automation of breathing which the physical does it for me. imagine if i have to remember to breathe each breath, i would have been long dead by now. so the physical is far more wiser and supporting, whereas i am hardly aware of my breathing. its time to be equal and one to my physical, this is done with becoming equal and one to my breath here. with each breath, i am here. in breath, i am equal to all as the mind stop with breath. living as automated breathing sucks, i don't know i am breathing, because its so automated. awareness attention is needed with each breath to be here. this is not to use the breath to be a 'better' person or for self empowerment, that would mean using the breath. no. breath is not my slave. breath is life, so breathing with awareness, i am equal and one to the breath of life. i am breath. i am the breath of life.

Just breathing. it is the only way to answer the question, am i breathing this morning? i cannot say i was breathing this morning or even last morning. breathing doesn't happen in the past, you can only breathe here now.

but just breathing seem to boring, no excitement. there you go, that is the catch, i like to enjoy the exciting energy of thinking, so just breathing is a tough thing.

well decide, energy of thinking, or just be here with breathing.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why hanging onto old photos?

With FB, i am connecting with old friends and memories. seen photos from school days some 30 years back is very cool indeed. but the question is, why hang onto those memories, or such nostalgic feelings ? looking for familiarity? looking to reactive old memories? when i first made contact with my old school friends, i was very excited to reconnect and rechat with them, but soon after that, there was really nothing to talk about. you can only talk so much about old school days. with time, we have all grown up, 25-30 years is a long time.

if anything, old photos should remind us how quickly life passes away. i mean, 25-30 years are gone, some innocent looking kids back then are now pretty much grown up and looking rather old too. seen the passing of time via old photos is a moment for self-reflection.

what have i done with my life? in all that 25-30 years, what have i achieved? what have i contributed to this world ? nothing really, more of the same worries and anxieties. and then one fine day, passing of time will stop, no more breaths left. photography will end with one last photo of resting in the coffin.

many of my former school teachers and masters in the old photos are now dead, they were once the pillars of my world. the math teacher, the science teacher, the principal, you name it, they are all gone now. dead. just an old photo or two remains. thanks to FB, we get to walk that memory lane again, just for a moment.

looking at my life thru photos sucks. looking at life thru pictures and memories is rather sad actually. i would rather look at my life via what is here now. what have i contributed, what i have brought about for this world?

hence, i want equal money system to be here implemented, then i can see it here and feel good about it. equality for all is the real achievement to be happy about. ending the poverty for good is the real deal. at the end of my time, i like to see this world as is, and i want to be proud of that world i will be leaving behind.

i dont' need old photos to hang onto, to give me a sense of belonging or a feeling. the world here as-it-is, is the real evidence of what i will leave behind. and for that, i will be relentlessly speaking for world equality, for nothing else really matters.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why western white men become Hindu Gurus?

since the advent of the Hare Krishna Movement, we have seen a load of 'white' gurus in india. back in the 70s, it was part of the hippie movement that drifted towards enlightenment and spiritual seeking, going after the exotic, romantic teachings of the east. it was a very cleaver move by then founder of the hare krishna movement to use white boys to attract local indians into his movement. he called them 'dancing white elephants'. as these white boys in saroon robes looking like monks rolled into the streets of india, many local found it fascinating.

"wow, after all now the white people are taking interest in our hindu religion", which is sentiment shared by many indians, it was a boost to their religious egos. throughout the 70s, 80s, we saw such white dancing elephants, or swamis, or white gurus becoming prominent in the hare krishna society. this trend and style has spread into other sects of hindusim, tibet too.

what are these white men looking in india ? what thrill do you get by wearing an Indian guru robe ? adopting indian names, where Mr. John Smith suddenly becomes Swami ParamaAnanada Das. In the meantime, these white gurus never get the same treatment like the indian gurus, hahaha, there is a subtle competition too.

even among the gurus there are competitions.

white boys, stop wasting yourself, stop romantic spiritualism from the far east, when all you need is right here. in the past going to hare krishna gatherings, i have seen many white people sing, dance, and wear sarees, wear the indian guru dress, all to appear like spiritual indians. all in that, self depreciating, self insulting, and self neglecting.

i should add, over the years, as time went by, many of those white gurus, fell out of  the movements. some after 20 or 30 of been a guru, gave it up, some lost it for women, some lost it for money, but most of them simply got fed up. they were never accepted. who wants a self depreciating, self pitiful guru. and of course the shallowness of all such things gave in.

i have news for you, white dancing fucking idiots, investigate self-forgiveness, self honestly, self-care, equal money system, equal labor system, equality for all. in this, you investigate who you are, stand up as who you are.

stop being a fucking white guru, you are a joke in india, instead be LIFE, be the real deal, be a voice for whole of humanity, stand up and speak for the whole of humanity. make a real difference, JOIN desteni.

fuck off the hindu Guruship, it will never be real for you.

Be yourself with desteni.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happiness is a decision.

cannot live like this. a decision must be made on how i am going to live the rest of my life. right now, i am basically a robot, totally controlled by anything and anyone. i rely on others to make me feel good, i want others to give me total attention, everything about me atm requires the other. when the other is not so forthcoming, i resort to blame, with a nasty sharp tongue i go on blaming. in other words, i am not living a self responsible life that is good for me and good for others. so i can see until i take total self responsibility things aren't going to look pretty. in fact, things are really going to get bad, worse in fact.

apparently May-21-2011 the so called preprogrammed life of mine is over, now either i must stand up as a responsible human or just perish. well just dying away is a useless option, so might as well really consider what it means to be a living human being.

i have to decide what am i going to allow and not allow. all kinds of emotional bullshits are running my life now, i let any little thing become a big hill. i let any little challenge turn into a big fear, well a long list of bullshits i have accepted and allowed within me as me, and i live that shit.

so this is the decision i must make: at every breath, am i willing to breathe with awareness, become here, be here, then consider what is best for all, in that not giving into the momentum of the ego. this decision doesn't mean i am a saint over night, nor transcended all points over night, no not at all. the decision simple means that i am willing myself to live one breath at a time. yes focusing on the small picture, the breath by breath picture, and then make it effective. while at the same time, relentlessly participating in Equal Money.

a decision to give up the old ways must be made. a decision to give up the fears must be made, a decision to give up the old patterns must be made. the core of this decision is to live as breath, NO MATTER WHAT.

so tonight, it is my decision, i embark myself on this great journey of life, to rebirth myself as life, by simply making a decision to live as breath. here. i cannot let anything to enter my inner space, no motion, no motion, no lose motion, no judgement, no fear no thoughts, no egos, no history, no past, no anxiety, no abuse, no hate, no anger, no rage, no hate, no personality, no 'I', all there is simply the breath here, and then directing self to do what is best for all.

Rebirthing self as life through the physical is a decision. Like they say in spiritual new age bullshit circles, 'Happiness is a decision'. And that decision is to live as breath no matter what.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Live to bring Equal Money System. Don't just live for Wall Street.

Just breathing, just here, in the physical. i notice i am rushing lately, many around me are rushing, to get the job done. what job is this? this is the job of survival, i mean nobody lives only survives. rushing to work, rushing for this or that, and then in one fine moment this rush comes to an end. because no matter how busy your life is, death cannot be postponed. when the time comes, you got to go.

so one way to live is to live here, cherish every breath here, in the physical, getting out of the mind. living in the mind is kind of been semi dead. 'time' flies faster inside the mind, living in the physical as breath, time stops. of course it is kind of boring to live as breath, the mind is so much more fun. so many dimensions of information and knowledge build up over the years exist within the mind. but to be here, as the breath, as breathing, as physical, all that information and knowledge must be given up at least momentarily. don't worry you wont' forget your home address.

lately i am rushing a lot, perhaps been too busy at work, home etc, gives me the feeling of rushness. really it is an excuse, if i am here as breath, do what i can do in one breath, then there is no rush. just living. doing what must be done. and doing what is best for all. of course, that must be the first goal, otherwise, no matter how many trees i cut, it matters not, my life must be best for all. i must do what is best for all. i mean otherwise what is the point, just live, make money, make sex, make kids, go shopping then die.

i dont' want to be an expired consumer, i want to be a lived human being, whose contributions brought a world that is best for all. my life is only meaningful if Equal Money System came about, otherwise i am just a fucking consumer for big money machines, and then died like a fly on the wind screen. no more.

i am living here as breath, so that, i will do and bring about equal money for all. then, my life is well lived, good for me and good for all.

It all starts with this breath, here. No rush, just breath, bring about equal money for all.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama is dead: 'Equality for All' is the solution.

Growing up in Sri Lanka, I can recall a saying something similar to: "treat your enemy with respect at his funeral". I suppose it means that death is a great of point of equality, meaning, we all will return to death, it's point where everyone must stand, it's the ultimate point of equality, by recognizing that fact, "treat your enemy with respect at his funeral" is indeed a cool saying.

There is something wicked about celebrations or partying when we hear the news about an enemy. world has seen many of those, when Hitler died following the 2nd world war many rejoiced it, about 2 years ago in Sri Lanka when the leader of the Tamil Tigers, vellupullai prabakaran was killed in war, the entire south of the island erupted in rejoice and celebration. I am sure the 1 billion Chinese will party too in time when Dalai lama passes away. Each group got their own enemy number one.

The death of an enemy is celebrated by the other sides, and this is worldwide phenomena. But it feels wicked indeed. No death is a cause of celebration or rejoice, it must be a point of realization and correction, if at all possible forgiveness too.

Groups against groups, religions against religions, nations against nations, the world against itself, humanity against humanity, we are fighting against ourselves. we are killing ourselves, therefore death is not a cause of celebration, but time for reflection and self-forgiveness.

This fragmented world as it is cannot continue, a practical oneness and equality must be established. This war against humanity by humanity cannot continue. Investigate Equal Money System, investigate self-forgiveness. Investigate desteni-i-process.

Now I see, 'treating your enemy with respect at his funeral' is so natural when equality for all is here. It is the key. You may not even have enemies then.