Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why hanging onto old photos?

With FB, i am connecting with old friends and memories. seen photos from school days some 30 years back is very cool indeed. but the question is, why hang onto those memories, or such nostalgic feelings ? looking for familiarity? looking to reactive old memories? when i first made contact with my old school friends, i was very excited to reconnect and rechat with them, but soon after that, there was really nothing to talk about. you can only talk so much about old school days. with time, we have all grown up, 25-30 years is a long time.

if anything, old photos should remind us how quickly life passes away. i mean, 25-30 years are gone, some innocent looking kids back then are now pretty much grown up and looking rather old too. seen the passing of time via old photos is a moment for self-reflection.

what have i done with my life? in all that 25-30 years, what have i achieved? what have i contributed to this world ? nothing really, more of the same worries and anxieties. and then one fine day, passing of time will stop, no more breaths left. photography will end with one last photo of resting in the coffin.

many of my former school teachers and masters in the old photos are now dead, they were once the pillars of my world. the math teacher, the science teacher, the principal, you name it, they are all gone now. dead. just an old photo or two remains. thanks to FB, we get to walk that memory lane again, just for a moment.

looking at my life thru photos sucks. looking at life thru pictures and memories is rather sad actually. i would rather look at my life via what is here now. what have i contributed, what i have brought about for this world?

hence, i want equal money system to be here implemented, then i can see it here and feel good about it. equality for all is the real achievement to be happy about. ending the poverty for good is the real deal. at the end of my time, i like to see this world as is, and i want to be proud of that world i will be leaving behind.

i dont' need old photos to hang onto, to give me a sense of belonging or a feeling. the world here as-it-is, is the real evidence of what i will leave behind. and for that, i will be relentlessly speaking for world equality, for nothing else really matters.


  1. Why do we keep any photos of us, really? It isn't it mostly from the point of 'confirming' our projected image and ego?

  2. perhaps pictures could serve some practical purpose in some context, but mostly we use them to generate/'re-live' certain emotional experiences within ourself, which is total self-deception as that energy is not living, obviously we're not here living when we going into our mind into memories from looking at a picture.
