Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs is iDead, now will he consider Equal Money System?

First, on the passing of Mr. Steve Jobs, I wish to express my deepest condolences to his family and friends. Death is never easy, specially losing a parent, a dad, a husband, a friend, a co-worker, death always touches those who are left behind. Being an exceptional person of innovation and leadership, Steve had captured the hearts of many millions, hence we see an out pouring of sadness in the internet today.

Having co founded Apple Inc, Steve went on to lead the company through amazing series of successes, estimated wealth of the company today is nearly 70B$ or more. One product after another, innovation was the name of their game, slick in design, smart in usability and application, Apple innovation has captured many of us technical and non technical users. Have to admire the leadership and innovative spirit of Steve Jobs.

Its never a good idea to criticise the dead, its time to mourn and send him off. But I would like to bring a few points in relation to his billions and Capitalism, while avoiding any critic of Steve himself.

All his billions, all gone, he will never take a penny with him. He will go in empty hands. Isn't that amazing, even with billions, one has to go with empty hands. Yet while he was alive, all he was concerned about was making more money and profits, even knowing very well he will have to leave all that behind. He reached to the top, there is nothing above he could have reached, founder, innovator, CEO of a top selling company, genius leader of technology, what else would you want to be in that area of innovation and technology ? He has reached to top and then it all ended, he is died, rather iDead.

Steve will leave a planet with nearly 3 billion humans living under 2$ a day, and nearly 1 billion humans starving each night, and nearly 22,000 humans die a day due to hunger and hunger related diseases. And nearly 1.1. billion humans don't have access to fresh clean water.

With all his billions, did he ever consider the plight of those humans, did he wonder how is to walk in the shoes of those humans? did he ever care to seek a solution that will bring an end to starvation and hunger? Did Steve Jobs ever consider Equal Money System as a solution to all of humanity? Or was he blinded by billions and never bothered about the plight of rest of humanity? Only Steve  himself can answer those question, but one thing for sure, Steve Jobs is Dead, he is gone, no more, even with all his billions he is dead.

Money cannot buy out death. Even billions cannot buy out your death, when the time is up, you got to go. But with money, there is one thing we can do, that is to bring about a practical heaven on earth for beings to live a life of dignity and self-respect.

Steve Jobs with all his innovative spirit could not perceive a solution as Equal Money System. Its too late now for Steve, but for the rest of humanity, here is the message: You will Die sooner or later, your billions cannot prevent your death, therefore do something before you die, investigate and study about Equal Money System, it is a practical solution to bring a dignified life to all beings on earth.

I wish Steve had joined the global Equal Money System movement, but sadly he was not part of it. But I am sure from wherever he is now, he will be able to understand the plight of every being on earth, I am sure he will be wishing for a practical heaven on earth. Investigate to study about beings who have crossed over and hear them speak, read their writings, it will give you a perspective about the activities that are going on here and "over there".

I am sure Steve Jobs will be up-to something even after death, as there is lot to get done. Or perhaps he is gone forever more, deleted. I don't know.

For the living, it is paramount, before you DIE, join us, investigate us, learn study Equal Money System. You are going to die anyways, so might as well, assist in creating a practical heaven on earth. Your life will be worth living.

iPad, iPod, iPhone now iDead, I have learned all those cool stuff from Steve Jobs, for that I appreciate the man for his innovation and leadership. But yes, as a human being Steve Jobs failed to leave a planet without a single human being starving or dying from hunger.

With that, we say farewell to the founder of most amazing tech toys.

As they say, Steve, rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. talk it's easy, very easy. ;)
    nice speculation, BRAVO!


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