Saturday, October 22, 2011

End of Poverty - The movie

I am about to watch this documentary movie. 'the end of poverty'. I did see bits here and there, rather astonishing to understand the details, and history of how the current day poverty came to be. Obviously with corporate greed and their governments world over, pushing for one singular thing, 'profit making' in that everything is pushed to aside. Poverty is man-mad therefore the end of poverty will also be man-made. 

Join us, we are the Equal Life Foundation, we are proposing a new economic system for the world by which poverty will be eradicated forevermore by providing each human with unconditional support. This is a long process, not going to happen overnight, therefore it will require the application of each breath most effectively. Breath by breath, poverty will be eradicated by birthing Equal Money System. 

So take your first step to end poverty now: join desteni, join  the self forgiveness process, that is where equal money system begins, it beings with YOU and ME.


At first, I was going to avoid self writing for today by using the excuse of 'today is movie night', well I am glad to pen this down, another potential excuse that I didn't allow. Because daily writing means exactly that, daily writing, not every other day writing. So got  to pen down something, even a half page of it, just to keep the momentum of writing going, b'c once given to excuses it will be hard to return. And it turned about, 'the end of poverty' and it's solution, is a good topic to write about. Join us: join this revolution of self writing to freedom, so we can bring about a new world.  



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  3. I watched this as well the other nite, quote an eye-opener...equal money is the solution.


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