Thursday, December 15, 2011

Death ends all thoughts, emotions and feelings.

Many thoughts, emotions and feelings, today is what I call a day of possession, I was possessed by my demons. as thinking compounds emotions compounds, causing dangerous mix, and leading to further consequential outflows. More thinking more trouble; more feelings more trouble, more emotions more trouble, put it simply. 

There is really nothing much to do to escape from this mental demons, the only way is just breathing and stick to what is physical. Don't follow the head, that will only take you to hell sooner or later. All the feelings of lack, less, pity, anger, I mean any such thing is very short lived, but it is given a long life by thinking. 

Thinking generates energy which further build up the ego. The good news is at death the ego is no more. At death no more thinking, no more feelings, no more emotions, I mean deaths ends all my demons; yet while here alive in the physical such demons take total possession, not just for a day like I had today, but for an entire lifetime. then, all over in one final breath. 

I understand thoughts, emotions, feelings appear to be majestically important, absolutely, but know, in one breath, its power can be cut down to zero, as death ends all thoughts, emotions and feelings. Yet our entire lives are controlled and dominated by thoughts, emotions and feelings. 

Breathe baby breathe, live here, be physical here, walk, breathe, eat, shit, shower, cook, clean, run, fuck, suck, work, be physical, be here, breathe, touch, write, read, self forgive, speak, and for god sake just don't dwell in thoughts/emotions/feelings. 

I am breathing here in the physical. 

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