Tuesday, December 13, 2011

39 - FAQ What will the justice system look like?

Currently the justice system is about protecting the rich. If you have money to hire a good lawyer, he/she will find a way to save you. Same with  corporate lawyers, they will defend the interest of the corporation which is basically profit. With big money, corporations can afford to have an army of lawyers defending their lofty profit making goals. Corporate lawyers never defend the ordinary citizens or their rights. So money buys law, more money means more and better lawyers, the defenders of the justice system. 

The rights of ordinary citizens and their plights are though protected on paper, but to actually defend such rights one must have ample money. So basically no money means no justice, that is the bottom line. 

The current money system overrules the justice system. The power of the money system is what ultimately powerful, though proclaimed otherwise. And even if you have the money to buy zoo of lawyers, the 'justice' of the matter is a whole different subject. To serve justice there must be principles, and what principles are we going to defend? 

Current justice system is just a bunch of laws for protection, but it doesn't uphold any principles of life. Does the current justice system protects LIFE, all LIFE ? Not at all, it protects and defends those who have money and their interests. 

Within Equal Money System, yes there will be a justice system, but it will be a system that protects life, all life. Even the so-called criminal will be cared for when considering a "punishment", meaning, the criminal will be treated as life just as anyone else. The criminal suddenly doesn't lose his/her dignity of life. The criminal may have to be locked up, but his/her overall well-being and care is never compromised. Likewise, the criminal is never just forgotten, his/her "cell time" is actually a time for profound rehabilitation. So that the criminal can return to normal society and participate as a responsible human being. 

Again, its always about what is best for all. A justice system that is best for all, is what a justice system will look like in an Equal Money System. 

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