Sunday, October 9, 2011

Egalitarian Money System.

Prof. Immanuel Wallerstein,
Yale University. 

Thank you very much for your recent RT interview about the upcoming collapse on the current aging Capitalism. I very much enjoyed the case you present about the situation. I completely agree with you, the Capitalistic system has reached the end of the road. We simply cannot continue in this uncertain path of life causing untold sufferings to humans everywhere while the pursuit of happiness is now entirely limited to the corporate elitist world over. 

I agree, revolutions are not the way around this, as presented by thinkers of previous centuries. Moreover, its not about been an anti-capitalist, it's about seen the consequences of what capitalism has done to this world, very simple logic in fact. In essence, we have 3 billion humans living under 2$ a day, while 1 billion starving each day, and estimated 21,000 dying each day out of hunger or related diseases. I mean that is not a pretty picture, if allowed this to continue, I cannot imagine how terrible the situation can turn out to be. I would imagine a real economic hell on earth, thanks to the capitalistic principle of making a profit at any cost. 

As per solution, you mentioned an Egalitarian approach while not proposing a specific solution, so let me take this opportunity to present you a well researched and documented proposal for your study. 

The Equal Money System is the Egalitarian system of economy you have been speaking about. And by the way, the wheels are already in motion to bring about such EMS within the next 15-20 years, yes it will take that long, as changing the current system is not that trivial. But it is a certain, we invite you study it, in the following link you will find more about information about Equal Money. 


Anton Fernando
Ottawa, Canada.

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