Friday, April 29, 2011

no Breath no Life, know Breath know Life.

i have not written in 5 days or so, already can feel the momentum to just discontinue writing. that is why it is so vital to write every day. write something, this is what i tell myself, write something, anything, any topic in relation to equality principles. there is ample to write about, then the mind is very good in finding reasons to skip things. so here i am after missing writing for 5 days, today have to force myself to write. it feels like as if i have never written. 1 week of non-writing can literally put an end to self writing. so no more. i am here, let me write something.

first, breathing, there is nothing without the breath. no life without breath. no self writing without the breath. breath is life. but breathing with awareness is living that life, otherwise just an automated machine doing the breathing for me. breath is nature, i am one and equal to nature when i breathe with awareness. so breathing here, staying with the physical as breath. so easy to get carried away into the mind and its bullshit. today i was mostly gone into the mind, i employed the breath and physical awareness to anchor myself in the physical. not always easy, but that is the only way to tame the mind. to breathe and be in the physical.

mind is a such multi dimensional information storehouse with many doors and rooms, dark corners, and red streets, memory lanes, you name it, anything can be found in the mind, its a maze within a maze of disjoined scatted random information store. the being can easily get lost in all that. so doing Mind-Construct with desteni-i-process has been painful but eyeopening. i can see my own bullshit here on paper. very painful to dig that out however. once all written on paper, i can see how i walked into self made messes. the maze of information is no more in the mind (hence the body as well), rather it is pulled out onto the paper, where the maze is visible.

clearing the information maze is done with self-forgiveness. Actual change comes with self-correction, that is when change is walked, where rubber meets the road.

for all that to work, breathing with awareness is the key. no breath no life. simple. tools only work if i allow myself to live as breath. if i purposely get into the mind, then what tools can help me ? nothing.

i will myself to walk as breath here now in the physical.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stay away from positive people, they are the most evil.

stay away from so called positive people, because you never know when they will ditch you in the name of positivity. suppose you get sick or catch a flu, those positive people will do their utter most to stay away from you, and they will see you as 'negative'. the moment they perceive you as negative, be careful, they will ditch you to maintain their positivity. you never know when you will be thrown out. yes taking practical caution to avoid catching a flu bug is one thing, but staying away from you because your apparent negativity is whole different story.

stay away from positive people, they are evil, they will ditch you at the hour of your need. not to mention if you catch any diseases they will run away from you. so get rid off your positive friends now.

all is life, equal and one, consider that. nearly 1 billion is starving, that's a lot of negative people, starving is a negative thing, so are we going to discard them in the name of positivity ? fuck it.

lets embrace all with equality for all.

join desteni, the desteni of the universe, the most positive thing of the universe without any negativity.

join us if you dare to care, otherwise fuck off.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My friend Saba Ravishankar passed away today.

My good friend Saba Ravishankar passed away this Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011.  father of 3, successful engineer, technical leader, community organizer, a good friend, example family man, voice for justice, well wisher of all. I knew ravi from cricket, back in 1996 we played for the same cricket club. Many times I have been to ravi’s house for dinner, drinks etc. we had a very natural friendship, our political views and interest in cricket helped pass many conversations. Ravi was not a spiritual nor religious man, yes on paper he was a Hindu, he would rather stick to practical matters, he never got into religious, spiritual or godly debates.

While visiting him over the years, I would share my recent spiritual discoveries with ravi and his wife, hoping they will join me too. First it was Sai Baba, then Hare Krishna, later the Power of Now stuff, and lastly the message of desteni. Ravi rejected all my spiritual discourses very subtly, except when I spoke about the desteni message, he had an attentive ear, though he could not actively embrace the message. I told  him about the Equal Life Party, its policies, I told him about the equal money system, and all the other things about equality, that was about month a half ago when I last saw him. I spoke a statement of self-forgiveness aloud for him to hear and apply it as his sickness got worse. Well, month and a half ago, his illness was serious but death was not in sight. Ravi liked the message of desteni, I am not sure if he had any time to apply the tools as his illness, advanced prostate cancer took over him.

As our last conversation came to an end, I made a point of saying, should death come to you, die as life, not as a mind, meaning give up your mind before the death arrives.  Everyone is in process, it’s ok to share, but not cool to preach, I feel I was preaching a bit too much to him last time. As everyone is in  process, this preaching thing is not cool, sharing is ok, and at best live the message, live as Life, give up the mind here now. Be an example of Life.  

Death of ravi has hit me so hard. Yet death must be faced, death is a grace, imagine if humans were immortal, the abuses that are going on in this world will never end, so thank god death exist, it ends all abuses in this world at some point. Sad part is Ravi left a world that is filled with abuses, nearly 1 billion starving, and many millions suffering, while a selected few having all the fun.  

Ravi has died, his life on earth is over, his family life is over, his busy career is over, his so called successful life is over, all the affection he shared with others is over, all his friendliness is over, as death ends everything.  The reason death is so sad is because total equality of all beings is not established here yet, and when equality for all is here, death will no longer be a loss nor a sad thing, it is simply a passing over. I exist as you, while you exist as me, and I exist as everything. Today, I only exist as a noisy mind, and that is a real sad thing, the noisy mind.

I cherish my friendship with Ravi and his family, I am sad about his passing today. He is on his own process as everyone is. Today I realize one thing, equality for all is an urgent matter, it must be established, as it will allow humans to live a perfect life, diseases like prostate cancer will not exist. In fact no disease will exist, it will be a practical heaven on earth. Ravi was not so lucky to see it, he died just too early, he was 47. Certainly, his 3 little children will inherit a new earth, I am certain of that. I am grateful for Ravi’s friendship.  

Now I know my own death is around the corner.  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

BlackBerry's Playbook is released. Nobody committed suicided.

Much awaited challenge to the Apple's iPad is out in the market, designed, developed and deployed by Research in Motion, or RIM. It is the Blackberry Playbook, multitasking, flash supported web browsing, along with tons of other apps make the Playbook a real challenge to the iPad.

well the iPad is made in China and we all heard the news about slave labor situation in some of those iPad factories, wasn't there some news about such laborers committing suicide etc? Chinese factory mangers had to employ security personals to keep an eye on workers so to prevent any overworked suicides.

Very bad image for Apple for indeed. I will certainly not buy an iPad just for that reason, knowing that some humans had to commit suicide in the process of developing the tablet.

No such bad news for the Playbook, nobody committed suicide here or there due to overworked stress. But then again, this overworked stress thing is not just an Apple thing, i am sure many other big names factories will have their share of laborers committing suicide or doing something crazy because of overworked stress.

The problem is not this company or that company.  The problem is the system, the capitalistic system that cares for none, it cares only for profit making. A race to make profit is the name of the game, employees, workers, laborers, are all actually slaves here in the west or in the factories in the east. Simply because we are all enslaved by the system of money. Capitalism is the cause problem.

With that realization, I will take my words above back about not buying an Apple's iPad, I will not base my purchasing decision on Chinese worker suicide news, as it is nothing specific to Apple Inc. It could have happened in any Chinese factory, i mean every factory laborer over there is overworked. working 35-40 hours a week would a semi vacation for them.

So is it iPad or Playbook, let your personal taste be the judge, not the suicide news. I like the multi-tasking features of Playbook, while I google, i can work on my blog as well, and enjoy my favorite videos by Bernard Poolman on the background, all thanks to the multi tasking features of Playbook's POSIX compliant operating system called QNX.  I love the QNX kernel, it has some cool features.

Yet, lets not forget why those Chinese workers committed suicide, one such death is too many. I certainly wouldn't like to be a slave labor to survive in this world. To have a shelter, food, water, medicine, education, for myself and my children, i must not have to work like a slave, such needs are a basic human right.

I unconditionally caste my vote for Equal Money System, by which every human being will be supported from birth to death unconditionally. Equal Money System simply makes sense, its common sense, no need to work till you kill yourself so that you can feed your family.

Investigate Equal Money System.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Breath is a Lifetime. This breath here is life.

again and again i have heard this line, 'breath by breath' live breath by breath. surely not doing so lead us to death, yes breath by breath. i mean you're going to die anyways, breathing or not breathing, you're going to die, the point is to live within the awareness of each breath. each breath is precious, could it be one breath is more important than the next breath ? each breath is equally important, teaching a lesson in equality, the equality of breaths. yet the quality of each breath is not equally recognized as awareness is not here, got stuck in the mind. hence, I hardly noticed even breathing, seems to happen so automatically.

No wonder i am a such an automatic finite state machine, very predictable, very programmable controllable, very untrustworthy, etc etc. all to do with not living as breath by breath, getting stuck in the mind, its delusions and illusions, emotions feelings and thoughts, ideas and beliefs, all put together to make one deadly nasty human robot, you never know what disaster is awaiting. of course, with money and sex anything can be shifted.

human is untrustworthy, that is the bottomline. anger rage, violence, bitterness, laziness, spite, revenge, gossip, backstabbing, procrastinating, blaming, debating, neglecting, uncaring, cruel, mean, nasty, jealous, vicious, lustful, cheating, lying, fear, pain, panic attacks, anxiety, nervousness, guilt, shame, regret, remorse, victimization, rape, irresponsible, filth, greedy, giving up, quiting, murderous, judgmental, wasteful, wow jesus that is a long list of human qualities. all thanks to not living as breath by breath.

in living each breath, i am giving myself the chance to transcend such qualities, that i have accepted and allowed within me as me. yes, i am the anger in me. i am the jealousy in me. i am equal and one to all such bullshit that exist within me. i mean, how can i be separate from them, they are within me after all.

self-forgiveness is the key to eradicate them, to see them for what they are, with total self honesty. so i must return to self-forgiveness, i have been lagging behind not applying self-forgiveness thinking and hoping that i am all ok. hoping self to be ok is another trap of ego, so yes time for a serious decision to apply self forgiveness for every point that i have been putting off.

i am here, breathing, breath by breath, self forgiving myself, giving myself to myself. i forgive me. i am here, i breathe. all this can be done in this breath, after all, one breath is a lifetime, life is one breath. so either live or die, all in just one breath, this breath, here now. this breath here is life.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

'Random Acts of Kindness' is Manipulation - Study Equal Money System.

Within spiritual circles you will hear this term, "Random acts of kindness", i suppose it implies doing or been kind here and there. And random implies, just out of the blue you will push yourself into doing some acts of kindness. The question is will you hug a beggar? will you sit and have tea with a beggar, will go for a walk with a prostitute ? will you play with a homeless sick child along with your kids?

what nonsense, where is the 'random acts of kindness' when you need it the most? in my experience these acts of kindness are forms of manipulation, limited one's circle of friends and family. of course, within the same social economic environment, one lives the dream of 'random acts of kindness' believing self as a kind person. its total bullshit.

yet the world needs just one act of kindness, and it is not random, very specific, very well defined, very objective singular act of kindness, and that is the understanding and implementation of Equal Money System. thousands of little acts of kindness means nothing,

when all you need is just one life supporting system by which every human being will live in dignity. if you cannot give that, all your so-called 'random acts of kindness are nothing but bullshit attempts at manipulation'.

stop the spiritual nonsense of believing self to be very kind and pious etc. if you really dare to care, investigate the equal money system. it will be an act of kindness that will touch the lives of 7 billion humans to rest of time.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Top 10 Tips on How to Have Great Sex

1. Breathe, before, during and after sex. Why? because if you don't breathe, you can be taken over by images mostly porn images, then, you're not having sex, rather you are trying to catch up to the images in your head. Hence, a constant comparison and worry exist within your mind before/during/after sex.

2. Avoid porn to turn you on. well, the need for any type of porn to turn you on is a turn off. again simply breathe, and turn off that mental porn within the mind.

4. touch. yes touch is the real thing, touch your partner, ample touching is cool, and that is the point of turning on, the hard on comes from the touch, not running those porns within your mind.

5. Don't' rush to cum. Don't' rush to experience that orgasm. breathe slow down. when you feel your mind is rushing for a cum, slow down with breathing.

6. Be here, meaning be here in the physical, and importantly don't' allow thoughts, ideas, pictures, memories, feelings, projections, to take over. and if it does, you know, ample self-forgiveness is needed. its a sign you are in need of self forgiveness. without judging yourself, simply note those patterns so that you can forgive yourself.

7. stop any thoughts, judgements about your partner. i mean how  can you enjoy the intimacy with someone about whom you carry loads of judgement? sex is after all about developing trust, communication and intimacy between partners. even if it is just raw pumping, it helps to keep the mind in silence during sex.

8. stop evaluating the session afterwards. because sex is not a performance evaluator. stop self evaluating and stop evaluating the other after sex. 'oh you're so good in bed' is actually a very nasty comment because it amplifies the performance and disregards the shared expression. evaluation has a touch of ego in it.

9. sex is about intimacy and self intimacy. another area to focus on self forgiveness if you find issues like mistrust, doubt, anger, and other nasty shit show up during sex.

10. remember life is not about just having sex. yes sex is cool, sex is great, but life is not about sex, it just having sex allows you to focus on the real shit that goes on in this world. the world is a mess, capitalism, consumerism, is destroying this world, hence fixing it is our collective purpose. so life is really about self changing so that you will do what is best for all. no matter how good is your sex life, some day it will end, all the fun and party will end, and then what is the question. so it is clear life is not about sex, life is about bringing a practical heaven on earth so that all humans will have access to equal quality of life. equality for all is the purpose.

And with that, enjoy the joy of sex.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Capitalism is the Capital Punishment for Humanity.

When life is good, everything looks so good. i am looking for a car for myself these days, i have been hunting for a good deal, so walking into these car showrooms, it feel likes i am in heaven. Flashing new cars, 2011 models, and now even 2012 models are around the corner. Life indeed feels good.

But one key point is i have to have money, or at least a well paying job for next 48 months to be able afford the monthly payments for the new car. Then I realize yes this money thing is what creates heaven for us. so you have money, you are in heaven, you got no money, you are in hell. such is the very simple math of money.

And this is why, everyone is so caught up in the rat race to earn that money, so that fancy car can be purchased, or that fancy house can be bought. Its an endless rat race, merciless race, it takes no prisoners, if you win, you can buy your fancy car, and if you lose, you are as good as the dead.

So called good life, the heavenly feeling that you feel when entering a car showroom is exactly that, a show, a room full of shows. so must investigate what is the real show, what is the real reality of this show we all are caught up in. the show of consumerism, the show of capitalism, the show of endless buying and selling, the show of making a profit at any cost. the show of money is what this is all about.

earning money is what we do or taught to do from day one. that is why the word 'earn' is part of Learn. as we learn to earn. there you go again, money is everywhere.

But this endless chase, to earn and then to spend, this greed, this profit making, this blockbuster search for the next amazing thing to profit from, to buy, to sell, gosh, how long can this bubble of capitalism go on as is ? even with a face-lift or good hearted modifications to capitalism and consumerism the current money system cannot go on, it will take humanity to the point of no return. this very chase to survive will kill us. it is the stress of living that kills us, it is constant fear of no money that is killing us, it is the constant buy and sell just to survive is what killing us.

In a nutshell, capitalism is killing humanity slowly like that Chinese torture.

Not to mention all the environmental and eco disasters capitalism has made in its search for profit. all the companies are making money, the CEOs the executives all are making money. Even the BP executives got their big bonuses despite of the oil spill disasters. who cares, they got to make their big moneys. Capitalism how beautiful it is, for the rich can get richer, the poor gets poorer, the environment and the planet get fucked beyond recovery.

The principle of capitalism is lets make a profit at any cost. And doing so it will comply and be all 'legal' to give the impression that making a profit is actually a good thing. Anyways time will tell the real nature of capitalism for all to see very clearly.  

I am surprise that only few years back i could not understand all these angles relating to capitalism, i completely gave into the notion that yes, winner takes all, and that we have to learn the art of surviving in this harsh market-driven world of ours. I actually like everyone else believed in such nonsense of capitalism.

And now i see, capitalism is the capital punishment for humanity, we getter get out of it soon. And thank god, there is a solution waiting to be considered.

The equal money system.  It will end the self imposed capital punishment on ourselves, so it is our duty to study and investigate this equal money system.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stop 'Divine Charity' instead embrace Equal Money System.

A note 'divine charity':

Self-forgive, become self-honest, establish in self-trust, rebirth yourself through the physical as life. consider what is best for all. free yourself from all fears and mind-controlling non-sense like belief systems and religions. stand up as life, as you. consider equal money system, equal labor system, equal housing, equal education, etc, so that all humans have access to equal quality of life, not just few 'lucky' ones.

a new earth is arriving, where equality for all will be established. inner change, outer change, self-change, world change. at the end, it doesn't matter you stand up for life or not, when your time is up, you will silently die like a fly on the windscreen anyways.

start with baby steps, apply self-forgiveness, investigate it, see how you can participate in this process, it is your responsibility to self-change and world-change.

thank god there is death to end all bullshit.

your divine charity is only charitable for a selected few, and i wonder who is the devil behind the divine charity, as money can turn anyone into a devil. divine charity very much sounds like devil's charity, all thanks to money.

embrace equal money for all, the real divine charity that considers what is best for all 7 billion of us. isn't that really charity, nobody is left out, not even animals or plants, all are considered.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Which CULTure do you belong ?

CULTure. very fascinating thing. complete self merger with a so-called culture. really fucked up shit, this thing called culture. but really what is this endorsement or attachment to culture is all about?

Wars have been declared thanks to CULTures. and there are lot more than just so-called indian culture or western culture. following religions is a culture, chasing and believing in capitalism is CULTure, nationalism is a CULTure, chasing jesus is a CULTure, chasing any guru or god is a CULTure. promoting and protecting self interest is also a CULTure, a cult of ego.

but popular definition of CULTure is limited to groups of people based on their linguistic and regional characteristics. rather shallow definition actually. even within so called regional groups, there are sub groups and within such subs, there are even more sub groups.

Consider, India for example, so-called Indian CULTure doesn't apply to every 'Indian'. It all depends which part of india you're from. South indian? ok, which part of south India you're from ? Tamil nadhu? ok, which part of tamil nadhu you're from ? Chennai, ok, which part of Chennai you're from? you got my point, within various question (or filtering) you narrow down the person to a very specific CULTure. you can imagine, diversity within diversity though presented a fake notion of unity and oneness within the idea of CULTure. that is the popular definition. Its nothing but a self interest promoting, fear based CULT is what a CULTure is. In war and sports, socalled CULTure thrives.

Looking a bit deeper, what is a CULTure? As far as my experience, CULTure is a form of brainwashing limited to specific group, it is very exclusive. it does not consider what is best for all, it does not include every human being. it is purely ego based self interest based mind controlled brainwashed bullshit.

of course, religion is the greatest example of CULTure. even within the same religion there layers within layers, diverse enough to kill each other. But capitalism, consumerism, patriotism, nationalism, are also CULTures, but very hard to see it. Do you follow the CULTure of capitalism ?

so really investigate what CULTure do you belong. you could be doped without even knowing it. Be careful.

So I invite you to study the CULT of LIFE, Study Desteni. Study Equal Money System, study that which includes every human being, no exclusions whatsoever. of course, the abusers will be banned till they self-correct.

I am one vote for the CULT of LIFE which include everyone, every human being.

Study it, investigate what is all about, what Equal Money System is all about.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Give and you shall Receive - Equal Money System.

yes, lets revisit this old principle, give and you shall receive. so far no practical means of implementing such thing has been invented, equal money system is the first such practical plan. give and you shall receive. i am simply amazed that we actually have a solution in our hands to fix all of world problems. now its only matter of putting it into place. this will require many humans studying and understanding equal money system. along with, it will require many humans applying self forgiveness to purify them.

we cannot miss this chance to clean up the world. a chance like this may never come again. so lets move lets act lets study lets get involved in this equal money system study. at this stage, the most important thing one can do is actually study what equal money is, share it with others. the word of mouth for a new world is the point of action for now. yes along with it, forgive yourself, self purification is a must with self forgiveness.

so check out:

lets give and receive. this is not charity. lets give to all and then all shall receive, this includes me and you, in fact everyone.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

How to end corruption in India ? Try Self-Forgiveness.

Due to the popular fast-unto-death thingy by Anna Hazare in india, there is a big uprising or should i call it, a TV movement, an urge going on in india to end corruption. very fascinating indeed.

it seems in every corner there is some politician or civil servant is busy making a name for him/herself in the arena of corruption. this problem of corruption of course is not an indian problem, its found in very corner of the world, wherever there is money, of course, corruption will be there. as everyone is trying to make a quick buck in the shortest possible way, so corruption is a way of life, it's a mean to make a living. i mean, if i was starving or my children are starving, i am sure i will resort to corrupt means to make money too.

in this crazy winner gets all system, where there is no care or concern, of course corruption is the way to go for some.

now these politicians and other big fellows, the makers and shakers of the current world system, they are corrupt because they want to make the 'most' out of the system. they want to earn for generations. i mean all those top notch CEOs, politicians, executives, the elite folks, they will make money nice way or corrupt way. they are into making big money for generations. corruption is simply a tool, only difference is some big fellows play it 'illegally' and get caught in the news media for corruption, while most big boys make their big moneys legally but highly corrupt meaning, not a drop of self honesty in their ways to making money. legally speaking, of course, they method is 'fine'. but we all know, it is not best for all.

so how do we end corruption in India ? it starts with the most simple solution, a simple tool, self-forgiveness. with that, self purification is initiated, with time, self is rebirthed as life.

so  if you're a real fucking Indian, and you want to end corruption in India, first, self-forgive yourself, rebirth yourself as life. then you will see the practical solutions to support life for ..

For sure, corruption will end within yourself, at least one non-corrupt India will be born, and that is YOU.

Corruption in India ends with you ending corruption within  yourself.

so try self-forgiveness for yourself.

Investigate and

Friday, April 8, 2011

An open letter to Mr. Anna Hazare: Your fast-unto-death to end corruption in India is a joke.

Dear  Anna Hazare,

Your recent fast-unto-death is a total joke. Though you may believe that you indeed did something profound to bring about changes in India to end corruption. It is not so. Corruption in India cannot be terminated through such singular acts of bravery or collective acts such as demonstrations or riots. During your days of fast, it was a reality-TV show for many, while some made a quick buck out of your brave acts. while i commend your personal decision to stand against corruption in India, but I denounce your approach to change the country. 

So here is how you end corruption in India. If you're really serious to bring a new world, to bring a new india, then you must go all the way, you must study and investigate what is presented here. Just dismissing what is said here will prove that your fast-unto-death was nothing but a show, to say the least. 

Here is the solution to India: consider Equal Money System, Equal Labor System, Equal Housing System, Equal Education System, Equal Healthcare System, etc. Now, you will wonder what is this all about, or you may dismiss this as Utopia, etc, then again, you will prove that you're not serious about changing the core problems in India: The human problem, the every man's problems. 

Of course, it will take time, an estimated 25-30 years, to bring about a new practical heaven in India. But it is indeed doable. so Mr. Anna Hazare, investigate Equal Money, Equal Labor, show that you really care to bring a new world. Show that your fast-unto death was not a show. Though, it doesn't really matter, you receive this message or not, it doesn't matter your fast-unto-death was show or not, really, what does matter, you will die, and i will die, hence we haven't got much time for policy-debates. Equality for all is the solution. Equal quality of life for every human being is the solution.  

so lets get serious, lets investigate what equal money is all about. 

Mr. Anna Hazare, I invite you to visit: and

Just a side note Mr. Anna Hazare, nearly 1 billion people go hungry each night, many starve unto death in hunger, thirst, and homelessness, we indeed need a new world. 

I sure hope you will stand when it matters. 

Thank your.
Anton Fernando

World cup is over. Has anything changed in India ?

week after winning the world cup, after all that partying, india is back to reality this week. i wonder how the poor  is surviving this week, has their reality changed? do they have an unconditional living allowance from birth to death? do they have unconditional access to medical service ? do they have access to education and self-correction ? has the poor in india, have their homeless situation changed since the world cup? do they have housing unconditionally ?

I guess not. with nearly 50% or more Indians below the poverty line, i mean really poor, the world cup or any other cup is not going to make any difference to them. yes the rich will get richer. the poor after partying a bit has to returned to their destitute living conditions. such is the life of a poor indian, yet so Proud to be an Indian, even in the dirty poverty.

ok the party is over, now return to reality, investigate, all that corruption and bullshit going on in india, you have to really investigate a new solution, a new system for india. so check us out, or

i stand for a new india, where every indian has access to housing, education, healthcare, food, water, etc. Equal Money System in india is the real gift to india.

if you're a real fucking Indian, investigate what is this all about.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My backchats must be written down.

backchatting continues. quick to blame, quick to find faults, quick to label, quick to judge, all that shit is backchatting. quick to attach value to an experience, quick to recall the fire from the memories are nothing but backchatts. another word for backchatting is monologues, dialouge inside the mind. you know the shit that goes inside the mind. it says it knows everything, it knows what even others think. 'i know' i know everything that is a backchat.

i want to really get down to business with my backchat, i want to catch the fucker on paper. well i am that fucker who is always thinking about some wicked plan about others. yes it is their fault, they did that to me, they said that to me, they are planning against me, of course, they are ganging up against me. gosh, wtf, the moment i think i am risking landing on a backchat. not acceptable. so i breathe, i am here. lets get the full details on backchat on paper.

gosh before i put my backchats into physical actions, i better stop this asap.

thats it for tonight.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Can you recall the thoughts you had 2 years ago? or 2 hours ago ?

i am investigating to write a diary about my back-chats, meaning i want to jot down all my mental dialogues that i have. i want to start writing those mind-chats daily. all those conversations inside the head, all those blames, fears, yelling and other bullshit that goes inside my grey matter must be written down.

As i want to see what i entertain within my mind on a regular basis. after all, i have spent forty plus years inside my mind yet i don't recall what i was thinking just 2 hours ago. well forget about 2 hours ago, i don't' recall what i was thinking just 20 minutes ago. surely i won't be able to recall my backchats say 10 years ago. i mean, yet in 10 years ago, or 20 years ago i lived a hellish life thanks to my mind dialogues though i have no record of it.

so its time to record my daily mental conversations in detail. so that i can see for myself what i have been doing inside my mind. i mean all my physical actions were result of my mind discussions. i want to see my own creator on written form.

yep time to write mind-chats, backchat down on paper.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

India won the world cup.

yeah fuck india won the cricket world cup. there goes my $10 fee to watch the game on tv. i just can't believe how fucking addicted hooked and crazy about cricket. i had to watch it. and by the end when i realized that sri lanka is not going to win, i slowly left the restaurant as if i could care less about cricket final.

so it goes to show i wasn't there to enjoy a game of cricket, rather i went to enjoy the feeling of wining. yes winning. that is why once realized that victory was not insight i lost all interest in the game. last one hour or so, i was gone. later on thru the website i found the actual result then didn't even bother to read the details.

its not the love of the game, nor the physical mastery of cricket, no not at all, its all about enjoying the thrill of winning. bit like war, this is why nationalism and love for one's army exist. its all about winning. we win thru sports, thru fights, thru wars, its all about winning.

the mind loves to win. its exciting to win. thrilling to win. energy rushing to score that victory.

and we can clearly see what winning has done to this world. capitalism is all about winning, in that game of survival some win most lose. we cannot afford to let capitalism continue in any form whatsoever. its time for a new money system.

so i stand for equal money system.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I am a fucking game addict.

gosh, i still can't get over cricket. tomorrow is the world cup final between sri lanka and india, and i am already getting ready to enjoy the excitement. i found a restaurant in downtown ottawa where they will be showing the game on TV starting at 4:30am. i can't believe i will actually wake up at 5am to rush to catch the game. fucking god sake its just a game.

i remember during super bowl or during the soccer world cup i would criticize those fans for watching their big game. i would look down upon them as if they are some kind of brainwashed hooligans who are so engrossed in their fucking game. and look at me? i am doing the same fucking thing. i am into cricket and people here in the west are into soccer and super bowl etc. so i get hooked to watch 'my team' play cricket and people here watch their boys play their game. whats the fucking difference? aren't we all just addicts ?

i am a game addict. every 4 years or so if sri lanka is in the finals, you bet i will be watching the game. of course i will react with ups and downs of the game. the emotional highs and lows, feeling of victory and defeat. my team made it. one guy told me today that he will pray for sri lanka. wtf.

what a madness. i am actually going to spend about 6 hours sitting in front of a tv to watch a game, paying a fee of 10$. god.

its all got to do with self-identification. i mean if sri lanka were not in the final i would probably not watch the final tomorrow. because its my team is playing so there i am.

well i suppose i can watch and enjoy the game, almost like enjoying a long movie or a star trek series of episodes. during all that 6 hours i have to be self-vigilant not to allow my thoughts, emotions and feeling run wild along with the game. not seek any highs or lows along with the game. just watch it, enjoy the art of playing cricket, the batting and the bowling.

its fun to watch. the problem is when the game begins to control my mind. it would be a challenge for me tomorrow to watch the game with a restaurant full of people, i must remain as the breath, in fact, as every breath, and be here as physical breath, then, i can simply watch the game and actually enjoy it too.

i am here as breath. as physical.