Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Power of Accepting and Allowing.

What I accept will indicate what I will allow within myself and the world.

If I accept porn, then I am allowing the consequences of porn to occur within myself and the world.

If I accept prostitution, then I am allowing the abuse of women.

If I accept child-labor, then I am allowing the abuse of children.

If I accept labor abuses by corporations, then I am allowing human slavery and justifying it as supply and demand of the market conditions.

If I accept War, then I am allowing the consequences of war like rape, murder, homelessness etc.

If I accept racial superiority or inferiority, then I am allowing racial violence.

If I accept wife-beating, then I am allowing violence against women.

If I accept beating up children as normal discipline acts, then I am allowing violence against children.

If I accept sexual fantasy involving children, then I am allowing child-sex.

If I accept dishonesty within me, then I am allowing dishonesty at large.

If I accept nationalism, then I am allowing war against nations.

If I accept military build-ups, then I am allowing future wars.

If I accept hoarding of wealth and food, then I am allowing the current starvation here now.

If I accept profit making, then I am allowing poverty and its consequences.

If I accept the poverty of this world as 'the way things are ', then I am allowing it to continue.

If I accept competition as normal, then I am allowing the pain of loss and poverty, hence a life of suffering.

If I accept 'survival of the fittest' as normal, then I am allowing the starvation and suffering as normal.

If I accept Capitalism as normal, then I am allowing the starvation of 1 billion humans.

What I accept determine what I allow in my world.

So clearly only accept that which is good for life, for all life.  By applying self-forgiveness one can forgive self and undo what one accept and allow. Eventually self will only accept that which is good for all life. For example state:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be angry with life.  

Within that self-forgiveness statement, self is able to see and take self-responsibility for self-correction. Hence a new world is reborn through self forgiveness.

Join us at

Learn what you have accepted and allowed within yourself. End your suffering today. Join us.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I am the most powerful being in the Universe.

One life to live, just this one. Its not worth it to lose myself in the madness of thoughts, emotions and feelings. I mean, WTF, at times I allow myself to get lost in my mind for hours if not days. As if, I am possessed by something, a thought pattern or an emotional construct like anger/jealousy will completely takeover me, and I become a total zombie in those hours/days.

Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I allowing such things to takeover me ? Bit of selfinvestigation tells me, that i am addicted to be 'emotional', or 'angry', those are states i am addicted to. I love to be angry. I love to be worrisome etc etc. When I am in one of those brutal self-torturing states, even the fucking God cannot rescue me, but there is one power who can stop it: that is ME.

Yes I am the most powerful being in this universe as far as I am concerned, because only I have the POWER to stop myself from my madness of thoughts, emotions, and feelings. I am my sanity maker, I am own self-healer, I am my own life-giver, because only I can stop my mind from its madness.

Till here no further:

When and as I see myself going into accusations, I realize it is a pattern, hence, I stop it then and there. I realize if I allow myself to participate in such thoughts, soon I will fuck myself so bad, only God knows what disaster will happen.

When  and as I see myself going into thoughts of blaming another, I see it as mind pattern for which i am addicted to, then i stop it right there. I breathe, I become physical, I stay here.

In that way, i support myself to remain here, not allow myself to fuck myself with my mind.

God, this one last life to live, just one life, soon it will be all over, so why the fuck do i allow myself to run with my mind? My thoughts, emotions and feelings will only bring disaster.

So till here no further, i stop myself from creating the drama of mental, emotional story making.

I am here, I breathe.

I am the only power in this universe, who can stop the madness of my mind, there is no other.

Joins u:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fault finding is a doorway to Self-hell.

Fault finding is a such favorite pastime of the human mind, at least for my mind. I love to dwell on it, looking for something to blame somebody. Often those who are in close relationship with me get the raw deal. Its like a pyramid structure of blame, start with the nearest to next level and then eventually to the world at large, everyone gets blamed. But what I am missing is the 'eye of the pyramid' which is root cause of blaming others, meaning self-blame is the point to consider.

In blaming self, there is a whole lot of other shit is going on. At least self blame gives a chance to self-correction and take responsibility, whereas blaming others is just avoidance. Certainly self blame is not suggested, the point is simply to look-within, i mean self is the creator of all the bullshit. In terms of emotional and mental pain one experiences, self is the cause and self is the creator, hence self is the possible healer.

Self-healing is about taking self-responsibility to stop the thoughts, emotions, backchat and feelings that runs like a mill within the mind incessantly; then self-responsibility is to declare, 'till here no further, i stop participating in my mind's story.'

Loneliness, jealousy, depresssion, sadness, anger, rage, feeling of left out, self-pity, self-hate, laziness, lethargy, and many more self-made emotions and feeling can be self-healed simply by taking the self-responsibility to stop them, to stop participating in them.

Self must stand up, in all and every situation. After all, "in life and death, you're alone". In not taking self-responsibility, the story of the mind is allowed to run its course leading to demon possessions. Be careful these are demon days nasty shit will happen.

Fault finding is a doorway to hell and demon possessions, it shows total lack of self-responsibility.  

Saturday, August 20, 2011

May God bless your uneducated poor ass. Welcome to Capitalism.

I was talking to an Indian engineer who graduated from the prestigious  Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), we were speaking about Equality of Life. And here is what he implied, "If I have a better brain, if I am smart, educated, then i should make more money than the normal folks".

That is the disease of competition and capitalism, the strong, the smart, the bright, the winner, gets it all, and goes even to justify his superior position. And that is what we have been taught from day one, to become better smarter stronger so can defeat others and survive in this brutal system.


Real evil snake mentality to believe that "I am smart" so I deserve more than others. But fear not, it is just what everyone is preprogrammed to believe. "I am special than you" so I should have a home, a car, healthcare, food, water, education and everything more than you; and if you're stupid and uneducated and weak, too bad, you suck, and deserve a life on the streets like a homeless bum. Too bad for you, May God Bless your stupid ass. Welcome to Capitalism, this is the hell we have created for ourselves.

Self-forgiveness is the way to end preprogrammed mind-bullshit. Equal Money System is the way to build a practical heaven for all of humanity. If you have a drop of caring left in you, investigate us at :


Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Stop Jealousy and Possessiveness in Marriage.

Self-Corrective Statements:

When and as I see myself making assumptions such as "He must be looking at her chest" I stop and breath and realise that I am entering into a pattern of jealousy, anger and resentment. I realise that this pattern has consequences where I will end up feeling less than RR because within my mind I am always the one that is loosing her. I do not allow myself to make this assumption, I stop and breath and remain here.

When and as i see myself making assumptions that she is flirting with another guy, i stop it right then and there. Because I know it is a mind pattern that i am so used to, i know it will take me to self-hell, so i stop this pattern right here, i assist myself with breathing. i am here. i am ALL-one. It is my mind fearing loss, hence it is my mind seek to accuse and assume so it can make judgements about RR. i stop this pattern here. 

When and as i see myself assume that RR is chit-chatting too much another guy, i simply stop that thought/judgement right then and there. i am here. i know my mind pattern is to find one single point so that i can blame RR, so i can findfault in her. And what more excuse is there, when she speak to another man, it gives my mind perfect ammo to go after her and hurt her and accuse her. This is my pattern i have lived for years with RR and others. so when and as i see i am going into fault-finding mode, i STOP HERE. i breathe. i assist myself with breath. I will not allow anything in this world to direct me, if i did, i would be a robot, not life. if i let a simple chat RR is having with another to destroy my life, i am just a fuckign robot without any self-will or self-respect, i am allowing me to be destroyed by others. i am allowing my thoughts to destroy me, so why would allow self-destruction? hence i stop when and as i see myself making assumptions about RR whatsoever, i STOP IT here. i breath. in this, i allow RR her own self-direction. After all, she is a being, she has her own self-will to talk to anyone she wishes. If she decides to move on with another, it is her self-decision entirely, i cannot bind her to a tree and keep her as my slave.  hence in the simplicity of this breath here, i stop all judgements and thoughts about RR. i remain here. Come what may, i can only handle this breath here, and i know i am here, i trust myself, and that is what matters. i cannot decide or direct others, i can only decide or direct myself within self-honesty, so i am here as breath. i stop all thoughts and judgements about RR. i am here.

When and as i sense a feeling of fear arising within 'thinking that RR is flirting or excited about another', i simply breathe. i know, it is a well know mind pattern of jealousy and possessiveness, it wants to run its course, so i will not surrender myself to my mind patterns, that would make me a total slave, a system , a robot. hence, when and as i sense fear, jealousy, possessiveness arise within me, i simply breath, i am here, yes, ALL-ALONE or ALONE, but i am here, ALIVE, and Breathing. i will not allow myself to participate in any fear mongering thoughts within myself, because i know i cannot trust my thoughts, and my thoughts are my ego basically. and my ego wants self-destruction.

when and as i sense that RR is texting, or on the phone, or emaling, or on facebook, or smiling with another, i simply stop myself from 'inspecting' her, or 'watching her'. I mean this is totall fucking mind fuck. RR is 39 years old, i met when she was 35. Did i 'inspect' her for all those 35 years ? no. then, why am i 'inspecting' her now? because my mind pattern likes to inspect her and possess her and in this destroy my agreement with her. So, very simple, i STOP myself from becoming a policeman, i simply remain here. Knowing well, her life is her decision, i cannot control her or manipulate her, i can only handle my life within this BREATH HERE. i am here or not is the question? I am self-honest or not is the question. I am here, i prove myself that i am here by breathing this BREATH HERE.  when and as i see myself going into the inspecting mode, i STOP in one breath. i employ my breath, this breath here, i breathe, i am here, yes i am ALONE, but i am here as LIFE, not as a fucking system. I STOP ME. i am here as breath of life. 

I realise that i have lived and existed as EGO, as Thoughts, as fears, as jealousy, as 'what-ifs' as possessiveness, all because i fear been ALONE. i fear been HERE. i fear the death of my ego, i fear the death of thinking, hence i kept on entertaining my mind. Also i realise all these are mind patterns, they are NOT me, simply mind patterns i have acquired/learned, it is not me, so i can simply in one breath give it up. i do so here as breath as i breathe, i remain here, yes, i am ALONE here, but i am here as life. i am not a fucking system of ego, i am here as breath. i breathe. 

Till here no further. 

Join us at: 

Future of Tamils in Sri-Lanka

Ever since the war came to an end and their aspirations to establish a homeland came to an end, every Sri-Lankan Tamil must have wondered, what’s next? Is there a future for Tamils?

The short-term answer is NO.

The Tamils will continue to live under repressive conditions for years to come. This repression comes not only from the Sinhala racial dominance or their political-military powers, but largely due to economic dominance of the Sinhala south. The fact of the matter is, it’s money that rules.

If you examine the situation purely through economic lenses, it is easy see how money and economic classes have created havoc in the island all along.  Have you ever wondered why majority of the Sinhala soldiers who died in the 30-year war, are poor men from the rural villages ? Ever wondered why no sons of the rich elite died for their country? Is it only the poor Sinhalese love to defend their motherland?

It is money and related economic factors that decide who lives and who dies. The same question can be asked from the LTTE, by and large only the poor  who fought for freedom, while the rich and the well-to-do immigrated to western countries. Granted, every Tamil regardless of their economic status suffered immensely during the war, but the real foot soldiers were poor uneducated Tamil youngsters. Elitist never fight in the front lines.  

This is not to blame the rich Sinhalese or the Tamils, but to point out that economic inequality as the root cause of Tamil-Sinhala conflict, and therefore there is NO short-term happy solution for Tamil people in the island, who are now mostly war victims rising from the ashes.

In all self-honesty, investigate the point of inequality. How lack of economic equality amongst people lead to severe abuses across the board, regardless of racial origins. Many became super rich thanks to the war, an entire war industry came to being, many cashed in, both internally and externally. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer and died in many thousands, on both sides.  

Whereas the average man, Sinhala, Tamil, or Muslim continues to suffer to this day, there is no happy future awaiting for them. Once in poverty, getting out of it is a mission impossible. Many are stuck in poor quality of life, lack of education, food, shelter, fresh water, quality physical and mental healthcare, and it’s a long list deplorable living conditions.

The profit-driven capitalistic controlled governments will never bring about a change that is best for all, as they serve only their capitalistic masters. Religious or ethnic dominance are simply facades or excuses used for capitalistic gains. Its only the rich that matters, the rest must be slaves. The real issue is between the haves and have-nots. 

In this context, speaking of Tamil homeland or self-rule makes absolutely no sense. The principles of Capitalism and abuse in the name of profit-making will be inherited even within an independent homeland as well. Now Tamils are suffering under elite Sinhalese, within their own homeland, they will suffer under Tamil elitists. Only the rulers get shifted, but freedom as such never came, or will never come to Tamils under the current capitalistic economic model. For as long as there is economic inequality, there is no freedom and capitalism cannot bring equality.

In the long run, however, there will be happiness and freedom for Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri-Lanka. That is certain.

Equal Life Party of Sri-Lanka will bring about Equal Money System, Equal Labor System, Equal Healthcare System, Equal Housing System, Equal Education System etc. The goal is to support LIFE, in fact all LIFE. Within the next 15-20 years, Equal Life Party of Sri-Lanka will be established and implement above life-supporting systems through democratic means. Equal Life Party is a global democratic political party, it will be established in every country in the world, all to bring about World Equality for all humans to live in dignity and self-respect. Currently, research is underway, so in time, more will be said on this.

Once Equal Quality of Life is established for all humans, it will be a whole new world. The Tamil-Sinhala conflict and its deplorable memories will be things of a foregone era. This is not a matter of hope, now it’s only a matter of time. Changes are coming.
Now, if it is in you, to support Equality of all humans, regardless of their ethnicity, color, gender, nationality, religion, language, DNA, physical or mental abilities, please investigate Equal Money System, at

Join us, be a rebel with a real cause, the cause of LIFE itself.  Visit us at :

Anton Fernando

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tame your inner demons before its too late.

Recently I have noticed that upon getting angry, I experienced a sense of 'physical-takeover'. As if something had taken over me, an automatic energetic response happened, I became physical so to speak in bursting out my anger. 

These days whatever that is hidden within will come out with force, and it will have a physical component to it, hence this outbursts can be defined as physical-possessions. Almost like the good old demonic possessions, except there is no external demon here, only inner demons. 

For example, anger is an inner demon. All the back-chasts (inner chats) that goes inside souped up with anger and spiteful is a demon of the highest order. I have learned from that these are the days of the inner demons, meaning, inner shit will come out, with force. 

And it makes sense, for how long will man walk with all his anger and cause abuse to himself and to others as himself? Someday this bullshit living with inner chaos must come to an end. For sure death will end all that pain, agony, hate, spitefulness, etc,  but demon possession is about having those stuff come out while alive. It is not going to be pretty living. 

Man will face himself, the entirety of himself in the physical, now that is what a demon possession is, self facing self. This is so that man take total self-responsibility for himself and for the shit he carries within himself. At last, to stand up as life not as an emotional organic robot that is self-harmful and dangerous to others. 

So we are in the days of the demons. Yes i have noticed how quickly I go into rage lot more these days than earlier. Before things turn chaotic, it is suggested to breathe a lot, to be here in the physical, to be and become the breath. It is suggested not to participate in mind backchat that goes on incessantly. 

So do a preemptive strike on the inner demons before they strike from within: breathing, self-writing, self-forgiveness, been physical, not participating in the mind, and yes breathing again. 

Yes i am a bit worried how i handled angry moment recently, as it had a physical expression, so not cool, it could have easily got out of hand. I am walking this process to clear myself out of all the inner demons I have been hiding within me for ages. Now its time to face me face to face. And the demons are busy, they are awaiting for some little mistake on my part, viola, they will take-over, then it is a total physical possession.  It might be just too late by then. 

So i am scripting myself here, till here no further, i will no longer allow and accept myself to lose myself within the moments of anger, instead i will breath, be physical be here. I know my thoughts are not me, and they don't serve what is best for all. My thoughts don't serve life, as they only serve my ego. Hence, i will not participate in my thoughts, i will breath, be here. I am here.

Till here no further. 

Join the desteni-i-process, learn the tools of self-forgiveness and self-honesty. Learn how to tame your inner demons, as these are the demon days. You will need all the help you can get, so you can assist yourself, otherwise, the demons will takeover you, they will physically possess you. It might be just too late by then. So join us now at


Monday, August 15, 2011

Ending Corruption in India, Is it Ever Possible?

First I thought that India is the motherland of all corruptions, as every shade and shape of corruption is found within every segment of Indian society, it would be an endless task to enumerate the details of every corruption in India.

But I have very quickly learned that corruption is not just an Indian problem, nor it is synonymous with Indian as such. Corruption is a problem of the human mind, it is where you will find the deep roots of every corruption imaginable. It is the human mind that is corrupt, hence a solution must be found for the human itself, so it can eradicate all sorts of viruses from its own mind.

In terms of responsibility, every human being is self-responsible to eradicate corruption, we simply cannot pass the buck to political leaders to sort this problem. Certainly demanding to legalize or bring about books of laws to contain or control corruption is a vain exercise.

Then, exactly how should corruption be handled?

Corruption has a wide range of definitions. From the most obvious definitions to not so obvious ones. Clearly, paying a so-called bribe or 'commissions' to get any public service which should have been rendered to you regardless, will be seen as 'corruption'. Or a government minister, instead of allocating funds to projects, he find ways to move the money to his own pocket, there you have another obvious definition of corruption.

Likewise, many obvious dealings within day to day business we can find ample points of corruptions. There were days, for a large sum, visitor Visas to Canada could be arranged, or real passports without any documents whatsoever could be produced. I remember how I got my first driver's license in Sri Lanka. During driving test, while making a left turn, I drove right over the curb, almost ran into adjacent vehicles. Hey, with the power of bribe through the middle man, I got my license anyways, I never dared to drive in Sri-Lanka, it would have been suicidal. Another definition of corruption.

This is where the battle against corruption is lost, because the root cause of corruption is not understood, hence trying to solve a problem without even understanding the exact nature of the problem.

Inequality is the root cause of corruption, simple as that. We have 1 billion humans on the brink of starvation every night, we have 3 billion humans living under $2 dollars a day in very deplorable living conditions, then we have a shrinking middle class who are struggling day and night just to survive, while the selected few, the mighty elitists having all the fun and joy of living.

Inequality is the problem, the cause, the root of all and any corruption. This very inequality exist within the human mind, it sees itself as special and all others as nothing. The mind only cares for itself and for its bloodlines, children, grandchildren, siblings etc. I mean how often do you worry about your enemy's children and their well being as you worry about your kids?

Humans exist in tiny groups for self-protection and self-survival, in that, never considering the well being of rest of humanity, therefore competition, greed, corruption are yes wars are natural consequences of the current system we have created for ourselves.

So returning to the definition of corruption, I would say, wherever there is 'inequality' there is embedded corruption, simply because within inequality some groups are left out. Inequality and corruption are one and the same.

And there is the mother of all corruptions, to leave out parts of humanity, while some enjoy. So lets get rid of corruption forever more, be it in India or rest of this world.

Equal Money System is one such attempt to end all forms of abuses and corruptions everywhere.

Equal Money System provides every human being with a living allowance and all other required needs unconditionally from birth to death, water, food, shelter, education, housing, healthcare, transportation, etc, whatever your needs are to live, will be provided.

Read the word "MONEY" as "MY-NEEDS", so Equal Money is really Equal My-needs, meaning, the new system will care of all my needs, and everybody's needs, hence equal.

With EMS, Equality is established practically, and unconditionally. Of course we cannot hope the current political establishments in the world to bring about EMS in every country, therefore a new political forum or party will be established in every country, as a vehicle to change the laws of the land. The 'Equal Life Party' will be established in every country, Equal Life Party of India, Equal Life Party of China and so forth, through the democratic principle of one-man one-vote, a new money system will be made the law of the land.

Isn't democracy beautiful. It is the will of the majority, and today poor people are the majority, and they will love equal money system.

So join us, investigate this movement, we are busy creating a practical heaven on earth, where you will never know what is corruption.

Yes, ending corruption in India is possible, absolutely, and certainly corruption is not an India thing. But all that starts with humans cleaning up their human minds, by applying the tool of self-forgiveness and becoming self-honest human beings. Self-forgiveness and self-honesty are the keys to self-change the human mind, while EMS is the key to change this world.

I am busy with my self-forgiveness process to clean up my own mind.

Join us:          

Saturday, August 13, 2011

God indeed created YouTube

Ever wonder why GOD created YouTube?

To make money, damn it. yes to make money, why else would God create such a beautiful website? It allows so-called sharing of views by the general public, we don't have to be CNN or any rich organizations, just been the 'general public' we are able to share our views and thoughts with fellow human beings.

Until of course, youTube decides to pull the plug, which it can do anytime for any reasons. Youtube doesn't have to give any reasons for why it suspended desteniproductions channels. I can only ask God why did he made such nasty decision, after all desteniprocutions videos were simply sharing views that are best for all.

It was not promoting war, or promoting hate views, or racially hate views, or anti-Jew views or anti-women views, or anti-black views or any such nasty hateful views about anyone or any group. What desteniprodcution share is common sense views that is best for all, I mean best for all of humanity.

Bang, youtube don't like what is best for all of humanity, and those desteni views are not so liked by some humans, so they fake flagged desteni videos, therefore youtube blindly went along and fuck, banned all desteni channels.

So much for freedom of sharing views or ideas on youtube. The moment your views start getting attention (i.e 10 million views), even youtube gets a bit worried.

End of the day, only GOD knows why the fuck he created youtube and why the fuck youtube decided to cancel desteniproduction channels.

I am sure with a few million dollars on the table, we can revert any decision.

I love capitalism, I love money, the GOD of all creation including YouTube. 

But unfortunately there is bad news for GOD. Investigate

Thursday, August 11, 2011

If I had a billion dollars, YouTube will upload any video I want.

I can upload any video to YouTube, of course with ample money on the table. Such is the nature of things in this world of capitalism and money-making. When YouTube first to scene, I was excited about how open and frank sharing views going to be etc, I was optimistic that no more money-based censorship would hinder self-expressions. But that is just childish thinking, YouTube like any other media organization is in the game to make money, period.

Desteniproduction's 3000+ videos with 10 Million views got shutdown, of course with money, with ample money, that can be reverted. Money talks in this world. Money makes you alive or dead. Money is the GOD of existence. In the Tamil language, there is a saying, "Upon seen money, even a dead man will open his mouth". So true.

Did Youtube ever investigate the contents of desteniproduction's videos ? Or did they simply went by the false flagging of desteni videos? There are many haters of desteni, so I am not surprised those haters must have false flagged just for the heck of it. And Youtube without ever giving a fair investigation, just went on to shutdown all 3000+ videos. Very cruel indeed.

But the message of Equality for All, will continue to grow and spread, it cannot be stopped by money, nor by the gods of money, nor by any other force. Yes it is a slight bump on the road, as a destonian I do feel the pain and sadness of such cruel shutdown, but hey, we will continue within this breath, working with what is HERE.

No regrets, no shame, no sadness, no sorrow, nothing, simply breathing here within the physical, and effectively planning for the birth of next phase. Because the message of Equality for All can't wait for YouTube to correct itself.

The whole of existence is gearing towards equality for all. And it make sense, we have had enough abuses on this earth ever since man learned to walk on it. Therefore it is time that all life be considered equally, honored, respected, cared, and allowed to live a life in dignity.

At last, something REAL is happening, no wonder we got shutdown, join us, investigate desteni.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

YouTube Shutdown: 3000+ videos with 10 Million views. desteni channels no more.

How on earth that every type of video that fits the unfathomable world of human imagination is found within YouTube, yet videos by desteniproduction caught the eye of YouTube censors ? What so bad about desteni videos?

Desteniproduction videos have assisted many humans including myself to rebirth self as a self-responsible human being through the application of desteni self-help tools. Desteniproduction videos have assisted and guided us with the teachings of self-forgiveness, self honesty, self-trust, self-intimacy, and self-expression etc, for real self change by sharing common sense points.

As per World Change, desteniproduction videos speak of an 'Equal Money System' and 'Equality for All' as an alternative to life-destroying Capitalism we have got here at the moment. Additionally, a portal, an opening, speaks within the videos, various dead human beings from the 'other dimension' called the 'interdimensions' comes thru the portal to provide living humans with common sense assistance and support about self-honesty and self-forgiveness. They are assisting us to become real human beings by sharing what is common sense.

Now, you may or may not like those videos, or even the 'interdimensional beings' for that matter, for their left-behind respective earth-histories. But is that enough reason to shutdown a channel with 3000+ videos that are so vital to so many of us?

I seriously doubt that YouTube has got any substantial reason to shutdown desteniproduciton channels. Now mind you, if you have already decided to bring down desteni channels, you can always invent an excuse or a reason. We will never know the exact motive behind Youtube's decision to shutdown desteniproduction, who has received over 10 Million views since it came to existence.

Yes, let me restate: 3000+ videos with over 10 Million views, got shutdown for reasons of violating YouTube community standards.

Obviously, we cannot argue with Youtube or with Google Inc for that matter, they got the money, the power, the infrastructure, so they can shutdown any channel anytime. They are the GODs.

But, YouTube has proven one point without any doubt whatsoever, the message of desteniproduction is REAL and it is so REAL, it has touched the angry nerves of some humans to the point where YouTube executioner has been awakened, suddenly.  

Imagine recording/making, editing, and uploading of 3000+ videos ? Imagine the human labor involved, the time, the commitment, the selflessness to share a message with rest of humanity? Imagine all that goodwill, dedication and commitment one must put in to share 3000+ videos over 5 year period?

Yet all that came to what? Just to be shutdown because YouTube have their own apparent reasons.

So be it.

As I said, at least, YouTube proved that desteni message is REAL. I believe Jesus got nailed because those   in power didn't like what he was saying. Never mind, lets not go there.

Well, who knows, may be YouTube might offer to bring desteniproducion videos back after a period of suspension, I sure hope so, as I believe there are some reasonable voices within YouTube management who can revert the shutodwn of desteniproduction.

Regardless, NOTHING can stop the message of desteni from reaching the far corners of this planet.

Thank you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Human life is about been a lifelong Customer, or else die.

What don't you get it?

Monday they said the world was on going to hell b'c market melt downs, and today all is well b'c the market is soaring up, all indexes are showing positive signs. What madness is this? is this what human existence all about? Is the market's ups and downs going to dictate how we as humanity going to live our lives ?

Human life, is it about serving the corporate financial well being? Human life from cradle to grave, is it about making the rich CEOs richer ? Human life, is it about been a lifelong customer? I mean wtf, that's all we do, buy buy and buy. And from birth to death prepare ourselves to be 'Customers', and try very hard to be customers, in that fight for survival many millions die, as they don't have a chance to be a good CUSTOMER, because they don't have the Mula, the money.

So this is what life is all about, be a loyal lifelong customer, a devotee of capitalism, a slave, or just die in your poverty, hungry thirsty, sickness, who the fuck cares about you, if you don't have the money to be a lifelong customer. Welcome to the pure evil of capitalism, it takes no prisoners. if you got the money, we love you, or else, you die.

What a fucking system we have created for ourselves. Investigate Equal Money System, lets bring a new world that is best for all.

Monday, August 8, 2011

As Markets tumble Capitalism fumbles. Equal Money System is the only key.

No need to prove that Capitalism is the mother of all evils ever since it came to existence, just look around. Because capitalism never cared about anything or anyone, only profit making matters to it. Make money and make more money. In the name of profit making, Capitalism has taken this earth and its inhabitants to a very precarious point.

So much destruction, chaos, stress, it has imposed upon us, we just have to put up with it just to survive. all in the name of making an earning to live. yet we never really live, only worry about making an earning just to survive which we call as 'living', hardly.

Now living is like a big gamble, you never know who will win or who will lose, but for sure many will lose and have lost. Many slaves in this world of capitalism so that the rich can live in ample abundance. While the middle class and the poor toil all day to make the rich happy.

Look, everyone is 'working' to survive, to pay rent, to buy food, to pay for education, healthcare etc etc. While earning peanuts most humans barely surviving in this reality. Very few of course having all the fun.

How on earth would you justify that 3 billion humans living under 2$ a day? Yet precisely that is what we do, as we accept and allow this bullshit system of money we have created for us.

It is time to rethink the very meaning of money, and create a new system that is best for all. Hence, here is the solution: Equal Money System. Investigate

And if you react to end of capitalism with phobia or paranoia, well, you better first investigate yourself. They say change is the only constant, then why not change capitalism itself, why do you panic to hear about a new money system? Equal Money System will end capitalism, and it will bring a practical heaven on earth.

Dare to care? join us.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stock markets decide and dictate human existence on earth.

Stock markets decide the fate of humans, what a shame.

Whole world is caught up in the buzz of markets going up and down as if it is the single deciding factor which will determine the quality of human life on earth. Sadly, it is so, because human life on earth is so tightly linked to corporate financial well being. Because everyone needs money to live and only the corporations can hire us and pay us a wage so that we can fucking pay bills back to corporations. Imagine how degrading life has become, just to allow this bullshit buying and selling stock markets to dictate our human lives on this earth.

Market is up, life is good, market is down, life sucks. I am shamed to call myself a fucking human to let this corporate beast determine my very existence on this earth. I live or die depends on money, and company doing well, i will have job hence money, otherwise i am fucked.

What a shame, human existence depends on stock markets, or else, rot in the streets as a homeless bum.

Don't you see the problem, we have a serious precarious problem. Capitalistic beast is not the way, it is killing our very existence. Equal Money System is the way, giving all to live equally unconditionally.

Give and you shall receive. Time to change folks. investigate

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Can you hear the sound of your breath?

The solution must be absolute, no half baked fixes will do. Either you will make it or not. Hence the key is to live as breath, within each breath. The body moves in unison with each breath. Otherwise the ego will take its turn and run all over you. Only the breath can contain the ego. And you are able to do it.

In this one life to live, it really matters to really live and make a difference, otherwise just like any other tom dick and harry, one lives and just dies away. Rather, LIVE, be here, breathe, cut the ego, rebirth yourself as LIFE, self forgive, bring about what is best for all. Be a real human not a robotic fool.

Death will come anyways, no matter how you live, death will visit you. So, rather live as breath, move the body in unison with the breath, cut the down ego by not allowing or feeding energy to it.

Living a life of an ego is just that, an egoic life, got no value whatsoever for anyone. Rather live as LIFE, be LIFE, all that begins with one simple thing: this breath here.

Lets breathe. Lets self forgive. Lets bring about what is best for all.

I have been struggling with breathing here without missing a single breath, but no regrets, i simply restart, re-breathing to rebirth. i mean if i give into regret, that's it, there is no standing up ever. so here i am, breathing again and again just to be HERE fully.

Can you hear the sound of your breath ?  well, what i mean is, do you know that you are breathing here now?