Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mind Talk is not Self Talk - Bernard Poolman.

Daily Strength - To Communicate with each person with whom I may share a breath and to leave each other as equals with no extra conversations within the illusion of the mind taking place where one judge the person or form opinions about the person. Mind Talk is not Self Talk. Self Talk is to talk to yourself as another being trapped in the cycles of time realizing it is your future and past you see. Make sure you want that future and past or change it – If you can. Seldom a man/woman is born that can change the stars. Destonians are Star Movers. That is why those that are stuck in the illusion of the mind react to Destonians. To communicate as equals, speak to the physical of the being and ignore the mind. That will cause the storm necessary to upset the ego. - Bernard Poolman.

This is an amazing quote. I love it, there are some jewels of common sense in it. First of all, sharing a breath with another. How often do I actually share a breath with another? hardly, because I am never here as breath within myself, I am here as a mind, so what I am sharing with another is my mind. This implies I must be here as breath and not be in the mind (thinking) while I share this moment/breath with another. It is true communication, when I am really here as breath, in that I honor me and honor the other as life.

Mind talk is not self talk, very true yes, mind talk is just that mind/ego talk. With ego talk I cannot talk to another as equals, either I will see the other as less or more. Mind talk must stop for real talk to happen as equals. 

To communicate as equals, speak to the physical of the being and ignore the mind.
I need to investigate that statement further: how to speak to the physical of the being, while ignoring the mind. This sort of support and assistance is available in desteni forums. Join us:


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