Saturday, June 25, 2011

"My family also need a house" - 10 year old boy.

My son has a cool new friend, this 10 years old boy is from Philippines, he has 5 older siblings and his family recently immigrated to Canada. They have been in our apartment complex for 1 year or so now. Today the boy came over for dinner, it was sweet to hear him talk. Realizing that we are moving to a new house next weekend, he made a very fascinating comment: "My family also need a house".

It was a touching moment. Hearing that my wife later told me that she was touched so much by that comment. Here we are packing boxes all over the living room, excited about our new home, yet that joy cannot be shared by our amicable young guest. The child probably knows about the financial difficulties of his own family, with 6 kids and parents doing low end jobs, they probably know that owning house is not within their immidieate  dreams. Perhaps few years down the road once established in Canada, yes they could own a house.

But the boy with all his innocence believed in what he said: "my family also need a house". It was more than a statement, it came as a request, as if he is requesting us to provide his family with a house. There is no need to get emotional about this, it is simply a fact, this child like any other in this world like his family to live in a house, a nice house. and why not. Who wants to live in a little box-like apartment specially if you have 6 plus 2, that is 8 of them in a 2 bedroom apartment. I admit i was moved by his words too, but i was not over taken by guilt or feeling pity him. I neither felt sorry for him, nor i am going to do the charity thing and get his family a house. Nay. charity doesn't work no matter how big your heart is, we all know that.

The boy's words reminded me of the urgency of desteni message. Equality for All. A dignified life for all. In this case, an Equal Housing System is the solution. Equal Housing would provide every human with a place called home, a dignified roof over your head. Not a shelter of charity, not a room to crash in for the night, not a temporary dorm to crash with your family for few weeks, nope, none of those is dignified.

Equal Housing System will provide a house to every human, a dignified place that you can proud call it as your home. Having a home is an unconditional equal human right for every human being.

Our little guest is probably too young to hear about Equal Housing System and Equal Money System. But tonight in this blog, I want to assure him and all children in this world, that your family will have a house, a place of dignity that you can call home. Regardless of who you are or what your parents are capable of, your family will be qualified to a house.

This is the mission of desteni, to bring dignified life to all humans which includes Equal Housing for All.

Join us, and

Don't give into charity, or feelings of pity or sorry, our little friend don't need your sorry, what he and his family urgently need is an Equal Money System and Equal Housing System here now.

So join us, if you can hear the cry of a 10 year old, he needs your able support and common sense understanding in bringing about Equality for All. He doesn't need your petty charity, he needs Equal Housing System that supports every human being.

What a pleasant dinner, delicious curry chicken, rice, rotti and veggies, ample to eat and enjoy. Yet in all this, i am reminded, equal bounty for all is a matter of urgency, otherwise all will be gone, as someday death ends everything. So before your party ends, join desteni, investigate equal money and equal housing. But first, investigate Self-Forgiveness, as it is indeed the first step to bring equality for all.

Thank you young friend, for your words tonight, I will remember it till equality for all here is established.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Self-hell is just a thought away.

it doesn't take too long to manifest self-hell nowadays. i noticed that today. i was at a meeting about 10 of us sitting around, instead of talking the subject matter most people tend to drift towards their self importance. most of the time i sat without any judgement or thinking, it was ok, i didn't suffer.

then, for some reasons i started to participate in thoughts of critics and judgement, i started to blame few within my mind. i could actually count the number of thoughts i was engaged in, just a few. viola, moments later, some energetic irritation, frustration took over me, as if something boiled over within me. i started to speak. suddenly i was on the attack, i started to blame and blame, it so happened i picked the most 'innocent looking person' in the group, i attacked him with blame. of course, if you look at my reasons they look logical, but what you will not see is that my outburst was a consequential outflow of few thoughts i just had minutes ago.

it was hell, self hell made by self for self. yes i could have stopped the participation in thinking, but i didn't, so it was too late when i got energetically possessed. it seems it is easier stop thinking than to stop the outburst of energy either as anger or irritation.

i learned a big lesson today, hope it won't cost me anything, as at workplace such outburst are considered  'unprofessional' and 'trouble' to say the least. i thought i am a cool guy, not really it all depends on how much pressure is there at the moment, and how much i think about it. as they all contribute to the consequential outflow of events, in this case, a self-hell.

i have to change. i mean i will stop this bullshit. i will stop myself from any and all forms of thinking. the moment i see  i am on a path of judgement i will stop. the moment i see i am on self pity or self judgement i will just stop. it doesn't take me anywhere but self hell. today i didn't stop them, i allowed and accepted the thoughts and energy that came with it. i made my self hell for me. certainly there was no god to save my ass.

it is really time for self responsibility. its high time i take a serious look at my secret mind and its hidden chambers. i am so used to energetic outbursts, and this is how i have been living, and this is how i have been creating hell for me.

ok past is past. now i have a new breath. i am determined to be here as breath. as anything else is really hell. the next outburst will be even worse, as everything is now compounding.

Looking again at the meeting scene, i can see my drama also got another angle. it is do with wanting attention from others.  gosh what a price to pay for that.

"In life and in death, you're alone", forgetting that i rush for attention, be it positive attention or negative attention, wanting to grab other's their attention, their energy, all to just fill me up. had i remained here as breath, i could have participated in the meeting usefully and if needed direct others gracefully to stay focused within the agenda of the meeting.

ok i start again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Is the Bible Holy? Is the Quran Holy? Or it's time to burn them?

They say never judge a book by its cover, so I am not going to do that to these holy of holy books. I simply want to examine just how holy are these 2 holy books? And what holiness have they brought upon mankind, if any ?

Safe to say, collectively over 2 billion people associate themselves with these 2 books. Their mindsets, thought patterns, value systems, even emotional patterns, family values, social values, personal moralities, civil responsibilities, human nourishment and development, and nearly all aspects of their lives are directed or influenced by these holy books.

Worse, these holy books are infallible, meaning, they speak the truth and nothing but the truth. And the respective believers will defend the books and interpretations with all their amour; some will die for it, or might even kill to defend the truth of their books. The holy books are so holy it even has the power to create murderers and martyrs.

Be careful, the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran are hidden weapons of mass destructions, simply because its words can trigger murders and wars.

This is not a lesson in early Christian or Islamic histories. But worthwhile to recall, the words in the holy books have been used to justify the murders and killings of many millions for centuries. And to this day, some historical battles continue. All in the name of holy books.

What a sad reality. What a messed up human race. Can we ever convince those 2 billion humans to give up their submissions to holy books and instead consider Common Sense ?

I don’t want to risk been killed by any fanatic Bible or Quran reader. But let me tell you, your submission to these holy books is like been intoxicated and never noticing it. You can never tell a drunk that he is a drunk even when he is sober. Likewise, you can never tell holy book readers, how delusional  their mind realities are.  At least the alcoholics will have some rare sober moments to ponder upon, but for the religious it’s a hopeless case.

Holy books have fucked up  our reality, wake up, see the mess that is here. See the unholiness that is here, see the starvation of nearly billion humans that is here.  And what holy solutions do these holy books have got, other than hoping for manna to fall from the skies?

Yes, I will judge the holy books by the massive monstrosity that has been created upon this earth over the ages. Its time to burn any book that is HOLY as they have done nothing to uplift mankind, so do yourself and humanity a favor, burn that goddamn Quran or the Bible or the Bhagavat-Gita into ashes.

Time to investigate: Self-Forgiveness, Self-Honesty, and Equal Money System.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Is Capitalism more evil than Hitler?

Hitler, the most evil man ever known to mankind is finally getting knocked off from his notorious position. There is something more evil than Hitler, yes indeed. It is called Capitalism. Lets apply a simple mathematical equation to make this case. By the way, please, this is no beatification of Hitler, this is simply to see what more evil things that exists in our world to which we turn a blind eye to.

Lets look at the numbers: 10 million humans directly or indirectly killed by Hitler. Some may argue that number as too low, while others may say its too high, so adjust the number to your justifiable range. So 10 million humans lost their lives for the madness of one man, Hitler.

Come to Capitalism. nearly 3 billion people below the poverty line, 1 billion people in the brink of starvation, millions either die or in extreme situations due to poverty, millions homeless, many millions have no fresh water, economic hardship and/or severe working conditions, becoming prostitutes to feed their families, many die out of lack of healthcare due to sky rocketing healthcare bills, desperate unemployment, enslavement in factories, no pension, sudden lost of pension funds and investments, etc.

I mean a very long list of destitute living conditions have been brought upon human beings by the wonderful capitalism.

I wonder what they teach at the London school of economics ?

Do the math, add each human who lost his/her life in relation to matters of money. how many has money killed directly or indirectly? how many has the banks killed directly or indirectly, all in the name of money and making  a profit?

Addition is a simple form of mathematics, so I assume you can do the math for yourself. Far more millions are dying or dead due to Capitalism, hence it is far more evil than Hitler ever was or could have been.

Capitalism is an evil that has no end. It must be stopped.

Solution: Equal Money System.  Join us, investigate what is equal money system. Don't turn a blind eye now, there is lot more evil than Hitler, yes, so it is your self responsibility to undo the evil. Join us.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Equal Money System will solve the Tamil National Problem in Sri-Lanka.

Hon. Dr. Vickramabahu Karunaratne.
Leader of The New Left Front.
Sri Lanka.

Dear sir,

We agree, the evil of Capitalism must end. Sadly, most humans will argue that capitalism 'as the way' because they believe that competition will bring out the best in us. We could compile a very long list of casualties of Capitalism, from every sphere of society. In relation to the Tamil problem in Sri Lanka, it is no different, it is the money that will decide who rules or who wins or who eats or who dies. And money brings powerful friends too, who also want to make money. Caring for any life is never a concern.

As a Tamilian, it is a heartache to see the devastation that took place in northern Sri Lanka over the decades.

Let’s leave it, past is past. For long, I was a nationalistic promoter of the Tamil cause, but not anymore. Now, I promote the cause of life, as all life is equal, I promote the cause of all life. Effectively, what is best for all, is the guiding principle.  

Hence I am with Equal Life Foundation and the Equal Life Party. And we have solutions to the Tamil National problem; in fact solutions to all human problems everywhere. Namely, Equal Money System, Equal Labor System, Equal Housing System, Equal Education System, Equal Healthcare system are some solutions to list. Again, the principle of equality and equality of all life is the driving force behind all these life supporting systems.

Started in South Africa, is an internet forum that got the ball rolling. Now we have about 150 worldwide members who passionately believe in bringing a new world practically, effectively ending Capitalism for good on this earth.

Equal Life Party is a democratic party that will be formed in the next 15-20 years in every country, with the single most objective of bringing equal quality of life to all humans everywhere. It is not a quota system, nor a system of affirmative action, nor a rule of communism nor a shade of socialism. We simply support all life unconditionally. The research is underway, so finer implementation details will emerge.

Before we can change the world, we must change ourselves, we must rebirth ourselves as self-honest human beings. Without self-honest humans, there will never be a self-honest political party. Currently we are busy with this phase of birthing self-honest humans. By applying the tools provided by, namely by the application of Self-Forgiveness, you can rebirth yourself as a self-honest human.

Changes are coming, a new earth will be born. Yet, we must make it happen. It is our collective self-responsibility, for self change and world change.

The root of Tamil National problem is inequality, which will be solve by Equal Life Party, both at personal level and larger collective level. And each will self-forgive for all that was accepted and allowed. As we stand for the principle of equality and oneness of all life, there is no need for an independent homeland or state. All languages and cultures can flourish and co-exist, yet no dominance whatsoever is ever possible. In Equality, all land is our homeland, we are equals living together sharing a planet. Besides, it is practical equality that the Tamils wanted in the first place back in the 50’s and 60’s, and now the Tamils will get it. Yes Sinhala people too will co-exist as equals as life with all.

This is no pipe dream, this will be established in next 25-30 years, that is certain.

For now, I invite you to the join forums to establish yourself in the self-forgiveness process to rebirth yourself as a self-honest human being. That is the first step.

The force of life itself is in motion, therefore we will get this done. Please join us.

Thank you.

Anton Fernando.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Swami Ramdev is Alive. It's time to Self-Forgive and study Equal Money System.

After 8 days of hunger strike, the prominent Indian yoga guru has called off his fast. Apparently another prominent Indian guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has persuaded Ramdev to end this madness. well i am glad ramdev is alive. Now what, is the question. Ramdev with a following of 30 million TV viewers for his own show is no fool, he knows exactly how pieces are moving within the current money and political systems in India. But why can't he see that corruption in India has no cure within the current system. why can't he understand that no political party can offer a corruption free rule in the nation, its a pipe dream to wish for such thing.

Equal Life Party and Equal Money System are the only real solutions. But why? 

Self-forgiveness brings about self-honesty, as humans become self-honest they can become real human beings. Therefore real self-honest politicians will be born. Again, this is only possible with self-forgiveness and self honesty. Swami ramdev's popularity nor his large following is of no use to Equal Money System movement without the application of self forgiveness. Swami ramdev, apply self forgiveness, became a self honest human being. Then, yes you and your following is of real use to the Equal Life Party and Equal Money System. 30 million self honest human beings can change this planet for real.  

Only real self honest human beings can rebirth a new earth. Your popularity will not birth heaven on earth. Never. But your application of self forgiveness will. 

Swami Ramdev, now that you have ended your fast unto death, please investigate self forgiveness and equal money system.

Visit us:

Thank you. I am glad you're alive. Lets join hands to bring a new earth for all of us. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Swami Ramdev don't die, live to birth Equal Money System.

Fasting unto death is useless.

Even if you die Swami Ramdev, nothing is really going to change. Lets imagine you actually died from this fast, you held onto your words, and you died in demanding an end to corruption in India.

Lets’ walk through the scenarios:

Your heroic death will be announced like the death of a valiant prince, your followers will wail and mourn for days, perhaps a week before they return to their regular normal jobs, TV channels will cash in big time by flashing your funeral images. The corrupt Government of India will declare a state of mourning, the Indian flags will fly at half mask, some sad tunes will played on national Indian radio stations, some protesters will continue to gather for sometime before they return to their regular jobs.

How long will the show of your heroic death last? Officially 3 days of mourning, perhaps another week or two.

Months or years down the road people will not even remember your name. By the next national election time, Swami Ramdev will be remembered like the Rama of the Ramayana, just a long forgotten folk hero.  While Rama tried to save Sita from the evil Ravana, Swami Ramdev fasted unto death to end the evil of corruption in India.

At best, the average Indian might mention you down the road, but you will not retain your current hero status. Thanks to TV business and your 30 million viewers, you are a hero today, but after your death, you will be forgotten just like a dead fly on the windscreen.

Your fast unto death approach is utterly useless.

So, Swami Ram dev waste not your life on nonsense fast unto death drama, instead investigate a real solution. There is a real way to end corruption in India and elsewhere. Join the Equal Life Foundation, investigate Equal Money System, Equal Labor System, understand the root cause to corruption, understand the fundamental changes that will be needed to bring a new world.

Swami Ramdev, you’re not my guru or hero, but take my advice, stop fasting unto death nonsense, and save your life. Perhaps this whole fast unto death episode may  take your TV show’s ratings and popularity to a new high level, yes that you will get, but it will not end corruption in India, never. I am sorry to say, your life will be a total waste if you actually die from this fast.

Instead, join us, join the Equal Life Foundation, study what Equal Money System is all about. This is THE solution that will end corruption everywhere.  

But the question remains: Swami Ramdev, will you stand for Equal Money System to actually end corruption everywhere? or Swami, are you just a showman? 

Investigate: and


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

EQUALIFE - What does it mean ?

Since i got EQUALIFE as my license plates in the province of Ontario, few had questions about it. Obviously the word EQUALIFE though missing one 'L' still reads like EQUAL LIFE. Now the question is what does it mean? what does Equal life or Equality for All mean?

Does it mean communism ? No, Does it mean quota based affirmative actions? No. Does it mean anarchy ? No. Then what the hell is Equal Life or EQUALIFE really means?

Providing access to high quality of life for every human being is the aim of EQUALIFE, and that is provided unconditionally. Everyone has right to food and water, live, work, get medicine, see a doctor, education, housing, shelter, etc etc, all the basic needs to live with dignity will provided. All humans will have access to high quality of life. yes starting with equal money system, equal labor system, equal healthcare system, equal education system, equal housing system, etc. The purpose is not to create a quota system, not at all. The new systems will provide a high quality of life for all, unconditionally, just because you're a human being.

Now the big question, how will it be paid ? That is another blog, but the short answer is: we will redefine what money means, after all money is something we agree to give value to. who says 1 dollar means 1 dollar? it is matter of value assignment given to it.

Consider this: value of money is life. what we value is life, since everyone is life, we value all equally. we also value money as life. Though the fine details still to be researched, but the principle of equality for all, and all life supporting systems are rock solid. The "HOW TO" will be researched into finest details. It is indeed doable, sustainable, practical, pragmatic, above all it is what is best for all.

Next time you see my personalized ontario license plates reading EQUALIFE you will know what exactly it means. It is a practical reality that will be manifested here within next 20-30 years. Equal life, EQAULIFE will be here forever as practical heaven on earth.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lie of E-co-nomy revealed by E-coli.

The news from Europe is bad: E-coli (Escherichia coli) outbreaks via yummy cucumbers, very bad for the economy and human health. 18 people have died and some 1600+ left people sick. Nobody really knows what’s going on? Whom to blame? What to do?

There is panic in the ‘market’ as whole sale markets for cucumbers and veggies are going through some price fluctuations. Loss of profits for the big bosses in the markets is a huge concern, while the farmers have to pay out their earnings for the outbreak. The growers and consumers are the ones who are suffering, I doubt if the big bosses in the stock markets care about the outbreak, other than worry about their own profits and losses.

As usual capitalism only worries about PROFIT, in fact this madness to make profit has turned into a cancer that is destroying our earth, just look around everywhere, the rush to make a profit is destroying our earth. For the sake of earning a living, we humans give into this madness of profit making regardless of its consequences.

Profit making is a cancer out of control. Recent financial losses in the European vegetable markets shows that E-coli is killing the ‘cancer of profit’ through yummy cucumbers. It’s a bad news for Capitalism. E-coli is also killing humans and making them sick.

There is a much easier way to contain the disease of capitalism, and that is Equal Money System, as it removes all forms of abuse in farming and growth of agricultural produces. In the absence of current abuses, I doubt things like E-coli will ever manifest. 

We are compelled to ask the question: What is that E-coli showing to us? Is there a message in it for humanity? Yes there is, stand up for the equality of everything in this world. Bring all together. Let’s not discard or dismiss anything or anyone.

Equality means everything here, equal and one, therefore lets take care of all. Whereas for capitalism, only profit means everything. So I say, E-coli is here to kill the cancer of profit, to put a break to the madness of capitalism. Sadly, humans too are paying the price as physical sickness and unnecessary deaths.

In the last 200+ years of Profit Making, there are ample evidences of abuses to suggest that capitalism must come to an end, and that cancer is finally reaching its own end.

E-co-lie is revealing the lie of E-co-nomy, as hidden capitalistic abuses over the decades and centuries can no longer be covered up.  All in the name of making a profit.  Enough is enough.

Time to investigate Equal Money System.   Time to birth a new earth.

Join us at  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

'Islamic Money System' is religious capitalism, not an actual Solution.

Islamic Money System is not what is ‘best for all’. Islamic Money System is NOT Equal Money System.

IMS has some noble principles yes, for example, it eliminates the principle of credit, no creation of credit is allowed;  money as such (dinar) must be an actual represent of physical gold or silver. IMS doesn’t permit the principle of interests on loans. One very interesting principle of IMS is sharing of profit and loss by creditor and debtor, which implies equal sharing of responsibility.

At best, we could say, Islamic Money System or the so-called Islamic Capitalism is just that, a system, a definition for money and money management, a religious version of Capitalism. Within such system, principles of profit, lenders, borrowers, banks, an economy, winners and losers still exist.  IMS tries to put an altruistic face to the modern day nasty blood sucking Capitalism.  Besides, it has a touch of religious based communal mentality to it; IMS tries to promote Islam, dinar, and the general well-being of the Muslim community. What about the rest of the world?

Islamic Money System, is exactly that a system not a solution. That is where IMS differs from Equal Money System.

Equal Money System is not an improvised version of any existing monetary system, no not at all. Equal Money System is a SOLUTION to world’s most pressing human problems: Starvation, poverty, homelessness, lack of healthcare, work related stress, family disputes, depression, physical sickness, lack of education, unavailability of water and food, fear of survival, mental anxiety and worry over money, home foreclosures, lack of self-expression at work, environmental and industrial pollutions, destruction of nature and animal kingdom, pollution of rivers and seas, etc etc etc, are some of the pressing problems Equal Money System will solve.

Equal Money System is a solution to a world at peril. While Islamic Money System a religious idea to make Islam and Muslim community prosper, at best. It will not solve any of the  above mentioned human problems worldwide. No wonder IMS never got off the ground.  

To be fair, perhaps the authors of IMS in the early days may have in spirit sought to achieve a monetary system that is proper and prosperous for the whole of mankind overtime, so given the scope and limitations, their work is commendable, but sadly, it is not a solution to the world as it is today. This is not to insult Islam nor the authors of IMS, but simply to point out, there is a real solution for humanity.    

Investigate, study, learn what Equal Money System is, take self-responsibility for this world.

I am sure even Allah, the God of Islam or any God for that matter will approve Equal Money System, because it is simply what is best for all.