Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mind Talk is not Self Talk - Bernard Poolman.

Daily Strength - To Communicate with each person with whom I may share a breath and to leave each other as equals with no extra conversations within the illusion of the mind taking place where one judge the person or form opinions about the person. Mind Talk is not Self Talk. Self Talk is to talk to yourself as another being trapped in the cycles of time realizing it is your future and past you see. Make sure you want that future and past or change it – If you can. Seldom a man/woman is born that can change the stars. Destonians are Star Movers. That is why those that are stuck in the illusion of the mind react to Destonians. To communicate as equals, speak to the physical of the being and ignore the mind. That will cause the storm necessary to upset the ego. - Bernard Poolman.

This is an amazing quote. I love it, there are some jewels of common sense in it. First of all, sharing a breath with another. How often do I actually share a breath with another? hardly, because I am never here as breath within myself, I am here as a mind, so what I am sharing with another is my mind. This implies I must be here as breath and not be in the mind (thinking) while I share this moment/breath with another. It is true communication, when I am really here as breath, in that I honor me and honor the other as life.

Mind talk is not self talk, very true yes, mind talk is just that mind/ego talk. With ego talk I cannot talk to another as equals, either I will see the other as less or more. Mind talk must stop for real talk to happen as equals. 

To communicate as equals, speak to the physical of the being and ignore the mind.
I need to investigate that statement further: how to speak to the physical of the being, while ignoring the mind. This sort of support and assistance is available in desteni forums. Join us:


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Too much sleeping? Don't rot away, arise in first breath.

I have been sleeping in lately, allowing and accepting myself to just stay in bed well after I have woken up. Those are the moments I have allowed and accepted myself to start the engine of thinking. Often I have noticed those moments set the tone for the day. Just lying and thinking, mostly thinking angry stuff. I have been sleeping in at least for one extra hour, this has been going on for a while. 

I justify that by saying 'oh well i went to bed late' etc. No such justification is acceptable to sloth in the bed well after waking up. First breath must get out of the bed. I know I have said those words before, yet I have allowed and accepted myself to stay put in the bed. Allowing and accepting laziness to breed. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sleep in.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sleep in even after I am fully awake. Just lying there. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stay in bed so that I can start thinking, start the thinking machine. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that its ok to sleep in, not realizing extra sleep means more download of mind-consciousness-system. More crap gets into the mind. More crap to think about and feel about. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that extra sleeping is self-sabotage. because in doing so, i am allowing and accepting thinking machine to start the emotional process for the day. As I think I feel hence never in the physical but stuck in the head.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put off things in my life because I have allowed myself to give priority for extra sleep. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wasted away in bed for extra one hour, whereas I can use that extra one hour to participate in my process, or do something physical instead of just loathing in bed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to mourn and regret sleeping in each day, and let my regret cause even more problems throughout the day. So no more regrets, no mourning, and no more sleeping in. Here I realize that in one breath I should jump out of the bed and walk out, and start my day. I mean anything is better than just lying in sloth and sleep. sleep is sloth after a while. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail in life because that is exactly what I have permit myself to do by sleeping extra. sleeping away in bed. kind of allowing myself rot in bed, that is what extra sleep is, rotten away. 

I am here, no regrets, no shame, here just practical and physical, and common sense, as I realize I am awake, i jump out and start my day. It is me who allow myself to sleep in, so it is me who must get myself out of the bed. Self movement, self awakening starts with simple things. 

Getting out of the bed in time is the first point to overcome in the day. I breathe here.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Death ends all thoughts, emotions and feelings.

Many thoughts, emotions and feelings, today is what I call a day of possession, I was possessed by my demons. as thinking compounds emotions compounds, causing dangerous mix, and leading to further consequential outflows. More thinking more trouble; more feelings more trouble, more emotions more trouble, put it simply. 

There is really nothing much to do to escape from this mental demons, the only way is just breathing and stick to what is physical. Don't follow the head, that will only take you to hell sooner or later. All the feelings of lack, less, pity, anger, I mean any such thing is very short lived, but it is given a long life by thinking. 

Thinking generates energy which further build up the ego. The good news is at death the ego is no more. At death no more thinking, no more feelings, no more emotions, I mean deaths ends all my demons; yet while here alive in the physical such demons take total possession, not just for a day like I had today, but for an entire lifetime. then, all over in one final breath. 

I understand thoughts, emotions, feelings appear to be majestically important, absolutely, but know, in one breath, its power can be cut down to zero, as death ends all thoughts, emotions and feelings. Yet our entire lives are controlled and dominated by thoughts, emotions and feelings. 

Breathe baby breathe, live here, be physical here, walk, breathe, eat, shit, shower, cook, clean, run, fuck, suck, work, be physical, be here, breathe, touch, write, read, self forgive, speak, and for god sake just don't dwell in thoughts/emotions/feelings. 

I am breathing here in the physical. 

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

39 - FAQ What will the justice system look like?

Currently the justice system is about protecting the rich. If you have money to hire a good lawyer, he/she will find a way to save you. Same with  corporate lawyers, they will defend the interest of the corporation which is basically profit. With big money, corporations can afford to have an army of lawyers defending their lofty profit making goals. Corporate lawyers never defend the ordinary citizens or their rights. So money buys law, more money means more and better lawyers, the defenders of the justice system. 

The rights of ordinary citizens and their plights are though protected on paper, but to actually defend such rights one must have ample money. So basically no money means no justice, that is the bottom line. 

The current money system overrules the justice system. The power of the money system is what ultimately powerful, though proclaimed otherwise. And even if you have the money to buy zoo of lawyers, the 'justice' of the matter is a whole different subject. To serve justice there must be principles, and what principles are we going to defend? 

Current justice system is just a bunch of laws for protection, but it doesn't uphold any principles of life. Does the current justice system protects LIFE, all LIFE ? Not at all, it protects and defends those who have money and their interests. 

Within Equal Money System, yes there will be a justice system, but it will be a system that protects life, all life. Even the so-called criminal will be cared for when considering a "punishment", meaning, the criminal will be treated as life just as anyone else. The criminal suddenly doesn't lose his/her dignity of life. The criminal may have to be locked up, but his/her overall well-being and care is never compromised. Likewise, the criminal is never just forgotten, his/her "cell time" is actually a time for profound rehabilitation. So that the criminal can return to normal society and participate as a responsible human being. 

Again, its always about what is best for all. A justice system that is best for all, is what a justice system will look like in an Equal Money System. 

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Will technology advance in EMS or will it be at its best from the beginning?

The so-called Evolution of Technology or the progress is propelled by one singular motive: Money; no money no evolution of tech, that is how things are in the current capitalistic money system we have collectively created for ourselves. 

Versions after versions of new tech gadgets are released each financial quarter or so, to keep up a healthy presence in the stock index/markets. As with each release, it is expected market shares of the tech gadgets to go up, translating into new profits. That money in turn propels the next version of the gadget, whatever it may be. Such is the so-called Evolution of Technology. 

Within the Equal Money System, no such motive or force will exist, money as such will not motive for any form of excellence or evolution. There will not be any stock markets to get investor cash, and certainly no banks or capital investors will be around to pour in the money for new research and development in technology areas as it is today. 

Without any money whatsoever, what on earth will motive us, humans, to bring about the best of technology? Self-responsibility and pure self-joy of constructing, building, designing, engineering alone will bring about what is best for all even within technology.

Joy of building something to its utter perfection, will ensure the Evolution of Technology within EMS. No need for money or greed to propel the evolution; self-responsibility alone will transform our world into a heaven on earth. Not just in the Evolution of Technology but in all areas of human life. 

So to answer the question, yes technology will be best from the beginning, but certainly will evolve into higher perfection as more feedback is received on the usability of the tech gadgets. 

Join us: investigate the wonder of Equality, research the joy of Equality, study the practicality of Equality, its an amazing journey; lets give and receive. Very simple stuff, putting the words of Jesus into real practice worldwide. The time is around, don't waste your life, study us today: 

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No more Gold Standards under Equal Money System.

Before the power of printing currency by the privately owned banks like the Bank of England came along, wealth was hoarded and exchanged in terms of gold. The 'Gold Standard' refers to a form of monetary system, where gold is accepted as a universal currency. 

Meaning of 'Money' and meaning of 'Value' are the real questions here. Gold is valued, and so is money. But money as such has no meaning, its meaning is whatever the printing authority say it has. One hundred dollar note is just that, a note with an attached figure, which we call money. Gold cannot arbitrarily be constructed as money-notes by the printing press. 

The value of gold is also something we have all accepted and allowed. If all gold on earth were to turn to clay, not much value will be placed on it. Likewise if all currency notes on earth were to turn into napkins, there is no money to talk about. Value and Money are concepts we have accepted and allowed for the sake creating tools of power. If you have gold, you have power, if you have the currency notes, you have power, so you have value. 

Lets for discussion sake, imagine this: remove all value we have placed on god, remove all value we have placed on currency notes. The notion of circulation would come to a halt. Current capitalistic system requires regular circulation, buying and selling, supply and demand etc. Without this circulation, a system halt can be seen. Perhaps that is what we mean by 'currency', the current of the capitalistic system. So, the power of this 'current' is the 'value' we placed on currency. US dollar is highly 'valued', and gold highly 'valued'. By who, for what reasons, and why? That's another blog. 

Equal Money System values only one thing: LIFE. Value as such is not placed on gold, or silver, or copper, or oil, or any sort of commodities, hence Equal Money System is not a value based system, nor commodity based system; Equal Money is life based system, value is place only in life. 

Everyone has value, equally; all life has value, equally. Not to say EMS is going to turn all gold into garbage, no, it just gold will no longer contain a value. As only life has value. Therefore effectively, by the very definition of what a life based system is, commodities like gold, silver, copper, will no longer be valuable, hence, a 'gold standard' will no longer be meaningful. Because life is the standard. EMS no longer requires a circulation, no more supply and demand, no more buying and selling, simply produce/manufacture and distribute "my-needs" of everyone. 

When gold and money are removed as tools of value, capitalism will die on the spot, and a new life based, responsibility based equal money system will take its place and care, support all life on earth. Moreover, there is nothing hoard or hide, as no more wealth to talk about, in equality and oneness, everyone is equally wealthy. 

Equal Money System will be a golden era without the gold standards. 

Join us, investigate us, there is nothing to fear, you're going to be supported, cared for, join us:


Monday, December 5, 2011

Self-Forgiveness: blame

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear having disagreements with others. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear discussing issues of disagreement fearing that others may attack me. Not realizing in such all situation I must bring it back to me, to see, to realize how I do the exact same thing now or before. My world reflects me back to me. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear speaking about issues that apparently has a disagreement tone, fearing that may lead to a fight or hurt. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give into my mind's thoughts and energies, which presented as real and truthful. While I realize that my thoughts cannot be trusted no matter how real or truthful they appear, because my thoughts are tinted with Mind's engery, which is rooted in the survival of the mind consciousness system. While 'real thoughts' are unmistakable as they speak for what is best for all. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the simplest solution is to bring all to myself, to self here. Before i project or attack another for apparent behaviors i see in them. Its all me first: bring it back to self. See how I do the very exact same thing that I react to in other. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that 'others' are parts of self, parts of myself, hence I am responsible even for what they apparently do or say, because all that is exist is in me as me. I cannot really blame for anyone or anything. I have allowed and accepted all that exist. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to first blame others not realizing blaming others is a total non-sense, it brings no resolution at all. Moreover how i can blame, all that exist i have allowed and accepted within me. 

So, I realize that I cannot blame for anyone's words or actions, because I am partly responsible for the creation of such. So instead blaming I forgive myself for accepting and allowing such within me. Then, as equals, I could discuss the matter with another, no blame, no judgement, no anger, no rage, simply here as breath, and talking in what is best for all.

In Equal Money System: No more killing a horse because it cannot run any longer.

Will you kill your mother because she is too old to care for you as she did when you were young?

Will you kill your father because he is too old to support you as he did years ago?

Will you kill your son because he is sick and unable to function "normally"?

Will you kill your daughter because she is not "normal"?

Would you like to be subject to death by the governing system because they see you as invalid, useless and non-profitable?

To kill a horse because it cannot run any longer is a crime against LIFE. Stop this bullshit system of Capitalism, money and survival where people forced to do most unimaginable crimes just to survive. 

Lets bring a new earth, a new humans race, that support each other and care for each other. Out of which care and support for animals will be born. We will all live in dignity and respect for all. You can still enjoy horseback riding, but no more horse racing, no more killing of horses for any reasons. In fact, animal brutality will end forevermore. 

But first, birth Equal Money System to bring sanity to the human animal.


No more bureaucracy and filling out pointless paper work half your life.

No more bureaucracy and filling out pointless paper work half your life under Equal Money System. The formula within EMS is very simple, its about how to support you unconditionally, there is no competition or race. There is no value on competitive information or on your personal information, so there is no need to fill up 100s of papers just to survive in this reality. 

Within the current system of money and survival, your information is one of the keys to survival, and if you don't fill up the proper papers, on time, and submit them to right authorities, you could end up suffering significantly. Basically, filling out the papers is like getting a 'right to live' within the current abusive system. 

You could be living a bum life without proper paperwork in this system. This is a system of survival, so paperwork is part of getting access, where you may given a chance. From the day you were born, you are subject to paperwork, one way or other, you must fill out all kinds of forms, to get through the system. Its like claiming your right to life, its like screaming at the system, "hey give me a chance, here is my filled out data" . 

The very idea you have to apply for healthcare implies a dishonest system, likewise applying for housing, school, medicine, transportation all implies competition, survival and dishonesty. Once you submit your paperwork/information, it will be subject to 'approval' or 'assessment', etc by those in big places. They will decide your fate. Once applied, now you're in line, against your fellow humans. Any form of paperwork is very much like applying for a bank loan; you may get it or be denied. And even if you get it, its not unconditional life support, rather an entry into the system of competition and survival. You could any time get kicked out. 

Got to love Capitalism and its manipulative ways.

Equal Money System has no need for paperwork for survival or competition; you may be still required specify your personal information so that you can be supported effectively and on time. Even to support you, your whereabouts are need to be known. Thats all. Equal Money System recognize all your "my-needs" even before you ask for them, so there is absolutely no need to "apply" for any service, to have them be available for you. 

No more bureaucracy for sure. You will deal with real authorities who care to support you. Its a whole new world, instead of competition and survival, you will be supported unconditionally. The role of paperwork is only to support you effectively. Bureaucracy as we know it now will never exist, yes you will require to deal with 'authorities' as a points of contact with the new system. Bureaucracy will not be the 'bored au crazy ' paper pushers as we experience them now, rather, points of authority; who will care to support life. 

We really talking heaven on earth. Its a whole new world, join us, investigate Equal Money System.



Friday, December 2, 2011

No more working till 65 - Pension Age 22 in Equal Money System.

Most people work all their lives, not that they love to work so much, but they have to work, to pay the bills till they die. Such is the beast we have created within the current money system, i.e Capitalism. Retirement is somewhere between 60-65. The whole working life we save for our retirement. We live to work, not work to live.

There is ample news lately showing how the so-called retirement funds have been vanishing under the nose. Many seniors after having worked for all their lives now left with nothing, old and poor is not a pretty site. Placing hope in the Retirement Funds is another scam in the system of capitalism, yes some get lucky but most are not so lucky. 

The bigger question to ask is, why retire at 65? Why not retire at 22? Within equal money system, retirement at 22 is indeed possible, right after the compulsory work-study 4-year program you can chose to sit on the beach all your life till the sea vanishes, if you so chose to do so. Meanwhile never lose any life-entitlements you're promised by the Equal Money System. 

Of course, you will live in ample but not in luxury, for which you will require to 'earn' extra credits to purchase cool stuff. But you don't earn for survival, you earn for luxury which you can live without. As per having a respectable dignity of life, you can easily retire at 22, and enjoy a good life at the beach, till you die. 

Moreover, you sort of earn that life-long entitlement, by giving 4 year of compulsory work-study program, during which you did your 'dirty jobs', so now at 22, you can indeed retire for good. 

If you chose to enter the Equal Labor System to participate in 'work' to 'earn', you can always momentarily suspend your beach life and return to 'work'. Of course, you can always return to retirement anytime; your life entitlements like housing, water, food, medicine, education, transportation will be provided unconditionally as a birthright from birth to death, you retired or not.

Such is the power of life based system, what we call Equal Money System. Join us today, give up the nightmare of retiring at 65 and never knowing if your so-called retirement funds will be there or not. Join us, without a single monthly premium you will get life long entitlements, because you're a fucking human being, so you deserve all that everyone else deserve. let's care for each other, that's what equal money system is all about.

Join us:


Sunday, November 27, 2011

No more Taxes within Equal Money System

Thank God, there wont' be any Taxes within Equal Money System. Within the current money system, death and taxes are the two things you cannot avoid, basically you will be taxed till your death. Current system function through taxation, Capitalism is such that it needs money to run the system, it is the nature of the beast. Just look at some sample of taxes we are been subject to:

Personal income taxes
Corporate taxes
Sales taxes
Estate tax
Health and Prescription Insurance Tax
Payroll taxes
Excise taxes
Property taxes

I mean who the FUCK needs all this taxes to co-exist on this earth as a responsible human being? Capitalism needs all such taxes, fee, debts and fines to exist. It runs on money, debt, cheap labor and at times slave labor etc, so few may enjoy it all while most of us suffer laboring for the rich. The problem currently is so bad, there is no solution within the current system to 'heal' the system, so that what is best for all can be achieved. 

BIG, the basic income grant is a quick short-term possibility to bring some relief within the current system for all humans. But still the system of taxation cannot go within the current money system. Taxation is the life force within Capitalism. We need a new system and where life is the force.

Equal Money System is by life and for life. Its operated by life, meaning no concept of taxation or debt or money will ever exist. EMS is based on life, and life is here in abundance. What will require, however, is taking responsibility, yes now that will force many humans to move their asses to do what is best for all. When money motive is gone, money as such no longer the force of life, then, what will move humans? Only realization of self-responsibility will move us to get things done, along with the joy of doing things. 

Moreover, who or what will fund EMS? Nothing will fund Equal Money System. There will be 'fun', but no fund. No fund is needed for EMS because Equal Money runs on the power of life. Everything is here already, lets manage it, so that all can have everything. For example, water is here, lets manage it so that all can have water. Ample food is here, and if not, lets take self-responsibility to produce enough food for all. 

Today there is ample food, but still 1 billion humans are starving because food is given only in exchange for money. Life is not considered, only money is considered, so a starving billion must continue to starve because they don't have the money to buy food. Today money has value, taxation is to produce money for the system. 

In EMS, there won't be taxation, but there will be a committed form of labor for youngsters during their late teen years, for a period of 4 years, during which they will do 'dirty work' for rest of humanity. Now, if you want, you can see that committed 4-year study-work term as a form of one-time taxation. Even that is wrong, because that 4 year period is a study-work period, so to perceive it as a form of taxation is misguided. Simply see that 4-year period as a giving of oneself. Taking full self-responsibility for self and others as self during those 4-year period. That study-service period, brings an essential 'labor force' to EMS, through which many 'dirty jobs' get done. Absolutely no need for taxation. What we need is realization of self-responsibility to get things done within the new the system. 

Today, the current system cannot live without taxation, or money. But within the Equal Money System, neither money nor taxation is needed. Even if such man-made concepts were to be employed as mere tools, their purpose and/or definition will be life supporting. Everything within EMS has one purpose, does it support life? So, taxation as we know it today, will have no place within EMS, because taxation doesn't support life. 

And dont' thank God for the new tax free world we are proposing, it is us humans like you and me who will birth this new world.. So Join us:


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Equal Water System: Should there be drinking Water for All humans?

For this discussion sake, lets leave Equal Money System aside for a moment. 

Lets look at Equal Water System. Now what is Equal Water System, surely, water has nothing to do with communism, so Equal Water System is not communism. Water has nothing to do with socialism or any such control freaks of the past; its simple common sense, Equal Water System is not a political ideology or political theology, or political indoctrination, or anti-social rebellion, or counter-culture movement etc. Water has nothing to do with politics whatsoever.  

Equal Water System is about how to provide fresh drinking water for all seven billion humans. (of course lets not bring the animals who needs water into this discussion). It answers a very simple question, how to provide fresh drinking water to all humans. 

Equal Water System is "Love thy neighbor as thyself" by giving water to thy neighbor, by having a system that will provide water to all human needs. Water is a very basic need, it should be provided unconditionally to all humans from birth to death. 

Water is a birthright, not a privilege. You shouldn't have to have money to drink your 6 glasses of daily fresh water. Isn't that ridiculous and pure evil to say that only those who can afford the money should have water to drink? Isn't that pure evil or what.

If you can see the Common Sense of Equal Water System, say so, say it loud and clear, be a vote for Equal Water System. Be counted, because water matters for human survival, each time a human die out thirst, its a crime against humanity which you and I have accepted and allowed to happen because greed and selfishness. Lets end this water abuse, all abuses everywhere, stand up for Equal Water System, stand up for Life. 

Equal Water System is the water version of Equal Money System. Simple common sense. You cannot stand for life without standing for water for all. 

Join us:


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Is Silence Approval?

Ignorance is bliss they say, so is silence blissfully ignorant? Is silence giving consent? When nearly 1 billion humans starve each day, and some 21,000 humans die out of starvation or related diseases, to remain silent about it, is kind of an approval, or conveniently ignorant. I am responsible for what I accept and allow within my world.

The very least, I must speak out, I must vlog and blog about the monstrosity we have accepted and allowed within our world. Looking at most newage Gurus like Eckart Tolle or Sri Sri Ravishankar, I am amazed they have not yet spoken out about the world situation, they are too busy been blissful. Neither they have spoken about a solution, certainly I never heard them say anything about Equal Money System. 

Even if you don't have a global solution to the world problems, just to confine yourself to charities and other feel-good-activities is not acceptable, it is been blissfully ignorantly. I realize the Art of Living or AoL of Sri Sri Ravishankar apparently do a lot of charity, cool, I am not against charity as it has an urgent need at this very moment, but to turn a blind eye to an eventual global solution which will eradicate poverty forevermore is not acceptable. 

As if, AoL or Eckhart Tolle and similar gurus are not at all interested in any real solutions. They are satisfied with their own little feed-the-poor type charities that make them feel good about themselves; they run around the world preaching self-bliss, while turning a complete blind eye to any world problems, or to any potential solutions. 

Even the richest man in the world is very charitable, but will he accept Equal Money System to end world poverty forevermore? That is the question I like to ask those silent newage gurus, will you gurus stand for what is best for all? Will you gurus stand for an Equal Money System. 

By now, I am sure most newage gurus would have heard about Equal Money System, yet I have not heard anything from any guru about Equal Money? Likewise I have not heard anything about their own solutions to the world problems either, they just want to be silently blissful. 

Is their silence an approval to the world misery? Eckhart Tolle, will you stand for Equal Money System ? Sri Sri Ravishankar, will you stand for Equal Money System? 

Speak out, end your silence, cast your vote for Equal Money System. Join Us: Be a real guru that cares about all life, join us, study us today:


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is Eckhart Tolle self-honest or a bogus newage Guru?

Questioning one's former guru is not considered cool, here I am just about to do that, because self-honesty matters specially if you place yourself as a guru with millions of devotees all around the world. 

Before meeting desteni in 2007, I was heavily into the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, a German born Canadian author and teacher, though not affiliated with any specific philosophy but he leans mostly towards newage, light worker type school of thought. The Power of Now is Eckhart Tolle's bestselling book which landed him in the Oprah Winfrey Show. 

I fell deep into the teachings of The Power of Now. In essence, the book is a guide to overcome one's ego through the suggested tools of breathing, awareness of the physical body while not falling to one's emotional pain-body (the old pain) etc. On the surface, the book is harmless, I mean if  you remain as breath all the time within the awareness of the body, I am sure the old emotional pain cannot overtake you, causing hell to yourself and to others. 

However, there is a deep hole in the overall well presented teachings of Eckhart Tolle, the starting point. Its all done in the name of Self-Bliss and Self- Enlightenment. Call it selfish spiritualism, which seeks the bliss of self like any other form of bliss seeking spiritual activity while entirely ignoring the plight of the planet and rest of humanity. The Power of Now is all about making you feel good, while the rest is quietly ignored. "Let the Consciousness take care of them", would the implied reply of the Power of Now. 

Self-responsibility is entirely missed. Eckhart Tolle in his book doesn't speak about how to take self-responsibility for self and for others as self. Merely listening to his blissful talks and just surrendering to "what-is" is all you got to do. Just Accept What Is.

Ignoring self-responsibility is a typical trademark of any spiritual newage movement, meaning, you don't have to worry about it, because some guru will take care of you, or the God will take care of you, or the Consciousness, the all pervading, all loving, all knowing Consciousness will take care of it all. You can just relax and focus on your self-bliss. 

Breathing is cool, awareness of the body is cool, not reacting from old pain (Painbody as termed by Eckhart Tolle) is cool, but not taking self-responsibility is dishonest. 'Accepting What-Is' is abusively self-dishonest. Its obvious common sense, accepting what is would imply accepting the starvation of 1 billion humans as "the way things are". Further to state that "Consciousness will take care of it", is not only self-dishonest but it is also cruel.  Cruelty with a spiritual touch.  Like how they say it in India, "oh well he is starving, because that's his bad karma, we can't do anything about it". Cruel. 

Recently, I made a youtube video questioning this very point, "Accepting What Is", and viola, my video got shutdown by youtube because EckhartTeachings Inc flagged the video for copyrights issues. Obviously Eckhart Tolle did not 'Accept What Is', otherwise he would have accepted my video as it is. But NO, he challenged it, and got it shutdown. 

Four years of self-bliss, calm, peacefulness, serenity, all that gentleness was cool, but soon I would find out that they were all fake. I was hiding behind Ekchart Tolle's Power of Now. There is No Power in the Power of Now, it is just a mind trick to hide and feel good about oneself while millions starve. Even if you leave the world situation to a side, the so-called self-enlightenment or self-bliss never really came to me, it was more like taking a daily drug in the form of daily Eckhart Tolle talks and lectures to keep me in trapped in the mind-fuck of self-bliss. Its all make beliefs. The Power of Now is a self-dishonest teaching.  

Self-honesty and Self-Forgiveness were never discussed by Eckhart Tolle. The Power of Now never even mentioned self-honesty or self-forgiveness. 

With desteni, I found out following 2007, that a lot more is going on other than self-bliss or self-enlightenment. From desteni, I learned about self-forgiveness and self-honesty, which opened up a whole new world for myself; I not only learned about myself, I also saw the mess of this world, for which no savior nor Consciousness got any solutions. I will have to move myself to find a solution. As a group, desteni has got a solution for the world problems, it is Equal Money System, a practical sustainable realistic solution to the world. 

Eckhart Tolle has got no solution to the world, because he is awaiting Consciousness to solve it for him, while he goes on to make the millions. Eckhart Tolle is now an elitist who has join the ranks of Oprah and other self-help celebrities, hence I doubt he will ever question how the system works.

Since Eckhart Tolle was my teacher for 4 years, I feel I must show him the way, rather than attack him. So, here I am inviting Eckhart Tolle and his fans to learn Self-Forgiveness and Self-honesty, apply it for yourself. Also, if you have got any care for the world, other than your own self-bliss, please investigate Equal Money System. 

On the other hand, if Eckhart Tolle and his fans decided to counter attack Equal Money System or Self-Forgiveness or Self-honesty, it would very clearly reveal my dear former guru Eckhar Tolle, the world famous author of the Power of Now, as a self-dishonest person. The very least, he should address the point of Equal Money System. 

I will not call him a deceptive money making fame hungry newage guru, but instead I will patiently await for Eckhar to respond. In that 4 years, I didn't see any dishonesty in Eckhart, of course, how could I, because he was my dear newage light worker make-you-feel-good guru; but recently, I saw a few spots of self-dishonesty specially in relation to having my video shutdown simply because it questioned him. 

Self-honesty is a such a bitch, you only need one drop of self-dishonesty, then you're done, you will have to reestablish your self-honesty all over again. Will see how the light worker Eckhart Tolle will respond to his dishonest act of shutting down my video. His teachings/books has no value whatsoever, even though tools mentioned are pretty cool, but it's missing the proper starting point. Self-bliss is self-dishonesty, put it simply; and Eckhart Tolle has been making millions by selling his dishonest Power of Now

Well, lets hope, now that he has been informed about self-forgiveness and self-honest, will wait for his response. Obviously this time around, he has no ground to shut my blog or video.

A final point, self-honesty is a very difficult thing, nothing personal, questioning one's self-honesty is not demonizing. Only asking Eckhart Tolle, where do you stand? 

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Monday, November 14, 2011

My Experience in Equal Money System FAQ Translation.

Knowing another language is never a lost. Growing up in Sri Lanka as an ethnic minority Tamil person, I spoke Tamil language at home with my family, so Tamil is my mother tongue as per ethnicity or identification is concerned. So naturally I enjoyed all things the Tamil language could offer, except for reading and writing. I cannot read/write in Tamil. 

In school, I studied in Sinhala medium, meaning all subjects were done in Sinhala. Due to majority, minority ethnic political climate in the 70s, my parents sent me to study in Sinhala medium (the language of the majority)  believing it to be a favorable condition for future jobs search etc. 

Whatever it may be, I become a bilingual kid, very comfortable with both languages, of course, I can very well read/write in Sinhala. I enjoy music, movies, dramas, poetry, news in both languages. However, been illiterate in Tamil is a major personal handicap, I kind of resented been illiterate in Tamil, as if something was denied to me, while an "alien" language was "forced" upon me.

At 20, I left Sri Lanka, that's nearly 22 years ago, I am basically out of touch with both languages, and definitely I am out of touch with Sinhala. I still speak in Tamil with my parents, so my Tamil is somewhat still ok, but not anywhere near what it was.

When Equal Money System FAQs needed to be translated, I committed myself to do them in both Tamil and Sinhala languages. It was a big undertaking. At the moment, I am safe on Tamil, because I have requested another person to do the translation job for me. My own chances of doing it in Tamil is very very low; since I can carry on any conversation in Tamil, I still have the capability to do it, may be it wont be 'proper' Tamil, but it will be full of colloquial Tamil. Imagine an illiterate Frenchman who lives in England and who has never wrote/read a word of French, doing voice translation of Equal Money System videos into colloquial French? Possible !!!! With Tamil, I am in that boat.

For Sinhala language, I decided to do it myself, however out of touch I am, I know I can do, so I started it. So far I have completed two videos, 48 more to go. First I started by listening to many Sinhala YouTube clips just to get in touch so to speak. And strange enough, its slowly coming along, my 2nd video is much better than the first one, the flow and delivery is much better. So I hope the rest will come fine.

I never thought Sinhala language will be of any benefit to me after leaving Sri Lanka, after all its only spoken in that Island of 20 million people. Moreover, I am a Tamil person, and its not an act of pride to know or speak in Sinhalese, I want to take pride in speaking my mother tongue, which is Tamil. Yes, even in languages there is that pride factor. Those were the days.

I am a destonian now, it matters not to me been a Tamil or Sinhalese, I stand for Life, I stand for all of Life, be it Tamil life or Sinhala life,  I stand for all. That is the beauty of desteni, it has transformed me to stand with all. So I am grateful that I am able to speak this language, so I can do this Equal Money translation for nearly 17 million Sinhala people in Sri Lanka. A great thing is been introduced to Sri Lankans, the Equal Money System, the way of the future is coming to Sri lanka. These videos are the early seeds. 

I am glad that my parents sent me to study in Sinhala medium back in 1975, for which I always felt a strange resentment, for denying me the fluency of my own mother tongue.

I am glad I can do the Equal Money FAQ in Sinhala. Strange how things work, all I can say is, we are all connected, Life is one. So far, that is my experience in Equal Money FAQ translation. An old resentment has gone.

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Anton Fernando

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Equal Money System pays 'Life Insurance' payout at birth.

So strange, you get your Life Insurance only when you die. What a wicked idea, and for that you have to pay premiums for all your life. Yet we all have accepted and allowed such a bullshit concept, and even renamed them to feel good about it.

Would you ever buy Death Insurance? Would you ever pay monthly premiums all your life to buy an eventual Death Insurance? That is exactly what so-called Life Insurance currently is.

Life Insurance business is a total scam because it is given when you die. Obviously, you really don't know how that payouts will be given when you die, who knows, those "Insurance Inspectors" will do their utter most to prevent the big payout to your family once you're dead. It all depends on what was on the written contract between you, the dead, and the insurer. 

Insurance companies will promise you millions as Life Insurance payouts, but will they actually give out the promised millions? Such a scam, you will never know the truth of it. So many pre-conditions and contracts, it all depends. People must blog and vlog about their experiences in dealing with Life Insurance scams. 

Equal Money System is a Life Insurance given at Birth. Call it Birth Insurance, the gigantic payout is given from the moment of birth, so from birth to death, unconditionally you will be supported with this 'Birth Insurance' (paid monthly). Now that is real Life Insurance, it is given so that you can Live your whole Life. Instead you paying the premium, the EMS pays you to live. What an Idea!! A total reversal to the current system.  

Just like you, your family members to will receive a Birth Insurance, in fact every human will. Aren't we all equally special. 

So study, investigate this amazing new Life Insurance Policy which is given from birth to death, every month: Equal Money System. 

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What does Breathing do?

We say breathe and breathe, but what does breathing do?

First of all, breathing cuts the thinking mind and the ego. The mind's ego cannot regenerate while breathing. The story of the mind is stopped, hence the production of further consequential outflows are reduced. Breathing takes you to the physical, the source of self, where all suffering stops. Once within the body as breath, the thinking machine stops as well. Been in the body is a refuge for self, its a safe heaven from the all that nasty brutality goes within the mind while thinking. I read elsewhere, it says "thinking is very destructive to the body". 

Hence within breathing, you return to your source, the physical. Of course, the problems won't go away, you still have to cook and clean, at least you can now do those tasks while been HERE totally. 

Its nice to be in the company of a being who is HERE without any thinking going on. When you're totally present here, as breath, as the physical here, even your so-called enemies will enjoy your company. I know I enjoy been in the presence of beings who are totally and entirely here. I can't stand been with my dad, because I can sense he is a non-stop thinker, you can just see it on his face. Completely possessed by his thinking and emotional mind activities. Very rarely do I see him just been here, totally present. Like father like son, I do the exact same thing, I am rarely here, always gone somewhere to think about. 

So it is suggested to breathe, be here entirely totally, do what is needed here. Carry water, chop wood, do what is best for all, work to bring a world that is best for all. That is the whole point of breathing here, is to remain totally stable here, so that you can do what is best for all, not just what is best for you, which is a side bonus, yes. 

Breathe, be here, be in the source of self, the physical, its good for you, and good for all.   

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Breath by breath, Piece by piece.

Nice one written by Bernard Poolman today:

‎"Walk directively - breath by breath - accomplishing every task, piece by piece managing your time effectively, knowing that you will have to walk through the resistance, and that by doing it this way - you will accomplish a result you are satisfied with. And in this way - focus on self-satisfaction, that empowers you to be able to contribute to what is best for all, and through that -acquire a real benevolence and self-acceptance." - Bernard Poolman

The key point for me is walking through resistance, yes that is something I have to really push myself. Because I have found I easily give up, at the slightest difficulty I am ready give up, also breathing, breath by breath is the another key. 

Lately I have observed the benefits of getting something done just by breathing and applying myself breath by breath. I mean, only one thing I can do at a time, one thing per breath. Just doing that one thing correctly or properly allow me to do the next thing properly within the next breath. Likewise, things accumulate, breath by breath, soon you realize the project you started with much reluctance is almost done. 

While making my YouTube videos, I run into resistance at times, so how I overcame that is, just doing one thing at a time. I have few time saving tricks as well, but still I have to do things "step by step" to get a video finish and uploaded. Not focusing on the next step helps, Just get this step finish properly. 

With video making, I open an existing project, so for this I have to add a new picture, so I have to download a picture, that's a step. Then, I have to edit the title of the video, have to change the colors of the text, then save the project back, so there are 5-6 steps and finally generating the movie file. Now I have made a video within 5-6 steps, with each step I have to breathe and get it done properly, otherwise my video will be messed up. And finally, uploading it, here similar steps, finding new tags, a title, right links, and finally copying the video link into FB and other sites. About 10+ steps, each step matters, I have to breathe, stay within this step, stay within this breath, not giving into the resistance at any stage, while my mind always remind me to give it up, I have gotten used to that, and able to make videos with much ease.

Same breath-by-breath approach I haven't been able to apply to other areas yet. That is my struggle. But I can see, breath-by-breath, pushing through the resistances is something I can apply to any area of my life. Even in human communications, while I am experiencing difficulty speaking to any specific being, I simply have to breathe, be here, push through the resistance to communicate. In that I get things done, and not avoid anything or anyone. 

Self writing is another example, where I can use the advice to push through resistance, and get it done breath by breath. As there is always ample excuses to give up self writing daily. Thanks to the beautiful quote by Bernard Poolman, I made it today.

Breath by Breath, Piece by Piece, I will apply myself when and as I see myself facing any resistances to doing anything in my life. Likewise, breath by breath, piece by piece, let's put Equal Money System in place that is best for all. 

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